USCIS lies

Finally I got name check completion letter from the FBI request for name check was submitted 4/29/2003 by USCIS letter from U.S. Representative to FBI 3/1/2006 name check finished 3/27/2006
I’m going to write letter to local USCIS office and U.S. Representative
Asking to speed up process of finalizing my n-400 application
Again I can not see any connection between letter from U.S. Representative and response from Russian government for the FBI background request, but I can see connection between this letter and the FBI name check completion time.
I remember 1 message from another forum says FBI for some reasons or without any reasons at all hold name check for some cases and after any request about this cases do it fast.
Looks like true.
IO access to asylee files - citizenship

During citizenship interview,does IO has access to asylum files. Can she/he see asylum reasons.( ie, political, sexual etc.)
I went into my interview under the assumption that the USCIS knew everything about my life (every time I crossed the border, everytime I had a cavity filled at the dentist).

They knew, for example, about a filing that my wife's father did on behalf of my wife's family in the late 60s or early 70s. They never lived in the US but had considered immigrating here at the time. It came up during her interview (she was something like 12-15 at the time).

Why do you ask?