USCIS lies

Al_aos said:
I think the local embassy or Consulate contacts oir hires agencies to check on your previous emplyment history to establish that the identity you are potraying is the one you always had.

It's not only that but imagine how much burden it places on embassies overseas that to their original duties to check on people entering into US, they need to check on applicants to USCIS (there are about 550000 citizenship applications alone approved each year if I am not mistaken, btw how about fees to agencies to perform an investigation for that number). While FBI is equipped for checking on so many people and yet they are overburdened, embassies are not suited for these numbers. I'd like to get the confirmation from an official source that these checks are performed for USCIS applicants (Citizenship and GC) by embassies. So far I've seen confirmation on FBI name checks, FP and IBIS checks but nothing else.
zaraza said:
What do you do when you know that USCIS lies?.

USCIS never lies! They just don't make any distinction between a lie and the thruth :D
You're asking for too much from them, in their understanding you're the only one who has to rise your right hand and say: "I swear to say the thruth!"
sn400 said:
I'm in Philadelphia I heard the story about background check with embassy or Consulate (I had my infopass few days ago) but it not exactly the same story as it described USCIS ombudsman in the letter.
Yes, that is exactly what I meant, there is no Consulate or embassy checks involved, just the 3 type of checks quoted in the letter. SN400, did you show this letter to the clerk? I wonder how they would react if caught :).
zaraza said:
Yes, that is exactly what I meant, there is no Consulate or embassy checks involved, just the 3 type of checks quoted in the letter. SN400, did you show this letter to the clerk? I wonder how they would react if caught :).

the bottom line is, what are you going to do with them if they really lie to you?

I wonder if there has any offical documents from USCIS to lay down what kind of background checks (from various agencies) would be involved.

If we did not have that kind of documentation, how would we say they lied or not? :rolleyes:
ocworker said:
the bottom line is, what are you going to do with them if they really lie to you?

I wonder if there has any offical documents from USCIS to lay down what kind of background checks (from various agencies) would be involved.

If we did not have that kind of documentation, how would we say they lied or not? :rolleyes:
The 2 links above are letters from USCIS, aren't they?
There is nothing that can be done you are right, just the satisfaction to see their confused faces :) and the ability to say "And now I'd like to see your supervisor"
Maybe it is not a name check. Maybe it is just a check to confirm the
the facts submitted. I have check with my lawyer also and he told me they can do it. Maybe it is not the FBI , maybe it is the the USCIS. I know for a fact that some I knew had to wait 3 months after his GC interview in Bombay ( family Based) to get his approval as they were having a security review and clearance.

Anyways what does one have to worry if everything is true in your case .
Right ?
i think you should stop waisting your time and take the matter to fedral court ,you will be amazed how fast they will be
Al_aos said:
Anyways what does one have to worry if everything is true in your case .
Right ?

I think a better way to say it is:

"Anyways what does one have to worry if everything is RIGHT in your case?

...because it can be true, but if it is not right you may be in trouble... ;)

If they go to the American Embassy in my native country, I'll never get my citizenship because I haven't been to my native country in 17 years. I was 12 years old when I was there the last time, what the hell are they gonna find on me there? That I finally figured out that girls exist? Tomorrow my N400 turns one year old. It's gonna be having a case of terrible twos shortly. I think I'm gonna celebrate that occasion by typing up the lawsuit.

Al_aos said:
Anyways what does one have to worry if everything is true in your case .
Right ?
I wish it were that simple :). Everything was true in my case, everything is true in my husband's case, everything is true in the case of 2 other people I know with the same problem of CHECKS :), does not stop CIS to make our lives miserable, even when CHECKS are already over, they continue to lie and invent excuses when faced without proof, for whatever reason and most probably it is just pure ignorance. I observed 3 huge guys in the Dover CIS office doing NOTHING for 3 hours (there were only 2 people in the whole room to take fingerprints); they were watching TV and just sitting there. And that's where my tax money goes. I pay to be ignored, humiliated and lied to.
Well that is why the republicans tried to outsource the work, but senate democrats did not allow the ammendment in one of the bills. State employees in the US are no different to any other country - unionized, lazy and beuracrautic. It is hard to work hard for anyone is such a system!

zaraza said:
I wish it were that simple :). Everything was true in my case, everything is true in my husband's case, everything is true in the case of 2 other people I know with the same problem of CHECKS :), does not stop CIS to make our lives miserable, even when CHECKS are already over, they continue to lie and invent excuses when faced without proof, for whatever reason and most probably it is just pure ignorance. I observed 3 huge guys in the Dover CIS office doing NOTHING for 3 hours (there were only 2 people in the whole room to take fingerprints); they were watching TV and just sitting there. And that's where my tax money goes. I pay to be ignored, humiliated and lied to.
Who came up with nick "zaraza" for you? It might be negative affirmation.
just kidding :)

When did you started your Naturalization?
brb2 said:
Well that is why the republicans tried to outsource the work, but senate democrats did not allow the ammendment in one of the bills.
Yeah, sure, Republicans are GOOD, Democrats are BAD, they all the same to me, a huge governmental machine that does not work no matter who controls it, it just does not work. Current administration is very much like Soviet leaders in the late 70s and 80s, the same words, the same methods, and they are pure Republicans, so blaming it on Democrats just plain contradicts formal logic, besides it is Republicans who are trying to push the immigration reform in its current form (passed through the House, which is also Republican). Therefore I’d prefer to blame it on the neo-conservatives.
Current administration is doing something that never was done before in such proportion it is mingling with scientific world, people who do not have appropriate education are trying to direct what should or should not be done in academics and industry. I hate mediocre with power because my life depends on it. And therefore I hate current president and his gang with passion, so, please, you would not find a supporter in me, end of discussion.
z350 said:
Who came up with nick "zaraza" for you? It might be negative affirmation.
just kidding :)

When did you started your Naturalization?
No kidding, (proudly) I made it myself :), YEAH, I am an virus (well, sort of :)), be afraid, be very afraid :), CIS
Да, я зараза, deal with it, CIS :).

Started Aug 2004, mine is finished, my spouse's case got stuck, the same date for him.
zaraza said:
Yes, that is exactly what I meant, there is no Consulate or embassy checks involved, just the 3 type of checks quoted in the letter. SN400, did you show this letter to the clerk? I wonder how they would react if caught :).

Yes I did show this letter to the clerk and response was this is exactly what I told you only in more details, after that I decided to finish my info pass visit as soon as possible It is pointless to speak with clerk they are telling you what they have to tell. I think, CIS wants to minimize numbers of requests to the FBI about name check I do not know why but it looks like they are doing every thing to prevent you from contacting FBI.
sn400 said:
Yes I did show this letter to the clerk and response was this is exactly what I told you only in more details, after that I decided to finish my info pass visit as soon as possible It is pointless to speak with clerk they are telling you what they have to tell. I think, CIS wants to minimize numbers of requests to the FBI about name check I do not know why but it looks like they are doing every thing to prevent you from contacting FBI.

They cannot prevent you from contacting FBI, but there is no way to contact it anyway, the phone does not answer, they do not respond to the letters or emails. So it's a very difficult task to contact FBI anyway.

I wish you were more pushy :) and asked for a supervisor with an exact explanation of what they mean by "Consulate checks" and where exactly does it say on the letter that they are contacting a Consulate or an embassy, what checks includes such an inquiry. They hope that immigrants do not speak proper English and cannot defend themselves and therefore are easily fooled by word play.
Oh, well, wish you luck.
zaraza said:
They cannot prevent you from contacting FBI, but there is no way to contact it anyway, the phone does not answer, they do not respond to the letters or emails. So it's a very difficult task to contact FBI anyway.

I wish you were more pushy :) and asked for a supervisor with an exact explanation of what they mean by "Consulate checks" and where exactly does it say on the letter that they are contacting a Consulate or an embassy, what checks includes such an inquiry. They hope that immigrants do not speak proper English and cannot defend themselves and therefore are easily fooled by word play.
Oh, well, wish you luck.
I think supervisor told her to tell this story so I do not want to spend time to make them do any explanation it can’t move my case they can’t make any changes for me so for now my goal is get response from FBI you are right it is not a simple task but I have sent letter by my self, in couple days I’ll try to ask congressman to send a request to the FBI so without FBI response I see only 1 way – federal court.
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sn400 said: my goal is get response from FBI you are right it is not a simple task but I have sent letter by my self, in couple days I’ll try to ask congressman to send a request to the FBI so without FBI response I see only 1 way – federal court...
You are right, I am just gloating,
Wish you the best, regards
zaraza said:
No kidding, (proudly) I made it myself :), YEAH, I am an virus (well, sort of :)), be afraid, be very afraid :), CIS
Да, я зараза, deal with it, CIS :).

Started Aug 2004, mine is finished, my spouse's case got stuck, the same date for him.

Wow! :eek: I can understand now your emotions.