USCIS increases fee

eternal optimism

yeah right ..they will rather use it to bridge the 100 bn$ budget deficit!!!
I would like to suggest one thing.
We need to act together and make them understand that we can pay more fees as per their required. But we need to have some thing in return that in x period of time our application would be approved or processed.Otherwise they would incr. these fee every now and then.B'coz those sucked know we are tax payer and we can only be the scapegoat as we all required some proper stage other then always be in limbo from the time we filed.

USCIS is sucker
reach_honey, I'm not agree with you. Read this

“America’s immigration system is under reform. This adjustment is necessary to deliver a more compassionate, effective and secure system, said USCIS Director Eduardo Aguirre. “Without it, the applications backlog is certain to grow, processing times will lengthen and service will deteriorate.”

I don't understand how increased fee for EAD or AP will help with backlog of I-485 application? I have already applied three times for EAD and AP and heard nothing about my 485 since april 2002. If they really want to fight with backlog EAD or AP they should start to approve 485.

There is address in

Written comment should be submitted to the Regulations and Forms Services Division, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security, 425 I Street NW, Room 4034, Washington, D.C., 20536. Please reference USCIS No. 2233-02 on your correspondence. Comments will also be accepted electronically at: When submitting comments electronically, please include USCIS No. 2233-02 in the subject box.

I think it's good idea next e-mail or mail campaign.


i did not understand in what u did not
agree with R_Honey....Or, was it just me?

S Vengat

that is what I was trying to say.
Even I do not want to pay more fee.But if they make it mandatory(without any choices which is going to happen).
What i'm asking is. We should atleast have them give us some memo that this money would help in approveing iur 485 in some definate period of time.
Also regarding AP and EAd fees. Those are attached with 485 approval. If those are approved definelty there will be less people to file AP and EAD.
Also Tasse

USCIS is damanding more fees from us to consider better serving by removing backlog from 2005 onwards. They can not commit on this too. Our current fees are utilised only for security of this country and in return getting kicked out every day with their damn shit service.

But once they make it approve it would take 60 to 120 days to implement.
So this is just a game for them.They are telling that from 2005 onwards they want to resolved backlog problems.
And this is 2004 .So looks like these year nothing is going to improve.
And again crucial is 2005 onwards.
that part sucks!!!
Oh, I see now.

When you said '...did not agree....Read this ...",
I thought, you were disagreeing about some
specific points.

All clear now. Thank you!

I also agree with you - I DONT WANT TO PAY ANY
As a matter-of-fact no one wants to pay 'more'
fees. But, if they are going to offer any 'premium'
processing, I think there would be a lot of
takers - at least from the 'employment based'

However, the truth is, this community
does not figure much in their 'immigration plans'
or the 'vote banks'. 'We' came here to take
their jobs away. They are happy to get a dozen
million illegals to do the jobs they dont want to
do themselves.
From the USCIS fact Sheet

.Reducing the backlog – USCIS will achieve the President’s six-month processing time goal

And it starts from Oct 2005 onwards. So there is entire 2 yrs to go yet
You know we can claim the fees(some) we paid to INS in taxes.

But need not be itemized. what ever you paid can claim and all are returnable
You know we can claim the fees(some) we paid to INS in taxes.

But need not be itemized. what ever you paid can claim and all are returnable

I remember the last time the INS raised fees stating that it will "help alleviate the backlog". The funds were misappropriated and used for border patrol enforcement instead. They're playing the same shameful sham again.


Do we or do we not have to itemize?
Anyway, you can only deduct it from ur taxable income,
not from the tax itself, right?
Originally posted by SVengat

Do we or do we not have to itemize?
Anyway, you can only deduct it from ur taxable income,
not from the tax itself, right?

you will get atleast 50% back , if we carefully filed.

use this in adjustments of each person.