USCIS - Backlog Elim Plan


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USCIS - Backlog Elim plan

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    /USCIS Backlog Elim Road Map      //   \     /        (     /
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the report is total bullshit. they present to dumbass right and left groups in the senate meeting so that no one understands whats going on. I dont see any improvement anywhere. uscis reduced backlogs by retrogession :mad:
I read the report partially. USCIS has excluded 1.1 million retrogression cases. Man this is what is called creative accounting of numbers.
Brij523 said:
I read the report partially. USCIS has excluded 1.1 million retrogression cases. Man this is what is called creative accounting of numbers.
What do you expect? They can't adjudicate retrogressed cases, it's not their fault. So they don't count these cases in backlog. It's reasonable.
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Attached document says report end of sep'04 then how come 1.1 million retrogression cases could have included. Is this some thing else as everyone knows retrogression started Jan'05.
Can some one clarifiy on 1.1 million cases excluded from backlog.

Brij523 said:
I read the report partially. USCIS has excluded 1.1 million retrogression cases. Man this is what is called creative accounting of numbers.
shishe said:
Attached document says report end of sep'04 then how come 1.1 million retrogression cases could have included. Is this some thing else as everyone knows retrogression started Jan'05.
You are speaking about work related cases. There is huge amount of retrogressed cases in family category.
We both are talking same thing

voldemarv said:
What do you expect? They can't adjudicate retrogressed cases, it's not their fault. So they don't count these cases in backlog. It's reasonable.

I think we both are talking the same thing.
Probably some day USCIS will come up with some creative idea - Change the LUD of cases by transferring them to some junk yard, then it is no more a backlog case as case has been touched.
This is legal creative accounting.
voldemarv do the scan of some of the dates in 2002. And see the trends. I am very positive that the fact will screw the fake data USCIS is presenting in the report.
Brij523, please be consistent. I'm talking about not counting retrogressed cases as a backlog and I agree with INS in that. I don't advocate INS and I agree they have some other tricks in counting.