US vs Canada


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I have a friend who has Canada resident. He is getting US green card. However, he is wondering what will happen when he go to stamp? Does he has to give up Canada card?
Two different countries. Each has their own individual agenda.

The USA does not care whether you are have landed immigrant status in Canada, or anywhere else for that matter. They will only look at your existing citizenship(s) when applying for a green card.

Canada may eventually revoke your landed immigrant status if they figure out that you haven't fulfilled your requirements for keeping that status. By living in anywhere outside of Canada (example: USA which happens to be another country) you may lose your Canadian landed immigrant status.

If you plan to abandon your Landed Immigrant Status, then there should be no problem. If you want to keep both your USA Permanent Resident Status, and your Canadian Landed Immigrant Status at the same time, then you may have trouble proving you were a resident of both countries during the time leading up to your application for citizenship of both countries.

I am not a lawyer.
Tell you friend to make up his mind

Per my knowledge(please rerify)
both country require 180 days of stay every year in country to maintain permenant resident status.
Also, he has to pay taxes in both country for income earned over the year.
also, i don't think they allow dual citizenship between canada and US
either way either you maintain residency in one country or jeprodize both.
You can be citizen of multiple country if those countries allow dual citizenship but you can never be a permanent resident of two countries at the same time.
Don't think there is any connection between the two visas, you can't be in two places at the same time , and each place has it own rules on immigration, obviously one get invalidated when you over stay outside the country, as far canada is concern I think you can stay out 3 years in 5 years time, so no problem but the US visa is much more strict, and I think you have to be in the country for 180 in every year and much more rules...... none of these countries care how many recidency you apply for, its the time you stay out it get invalidated automatically,

how to they know ??? every move is recorded when you travel in and out,

when you go for you US visa stamping you can have recidency from Australia,Germany,Canada .... and so on, no one cares..

But here is what you can try if you have canadian immigration already, you can apply a CP instead of 485, 6 months you will be out with GC