US probes 'misuse' of L-1 visa, Indians may be hit


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One more reason for BCIS to delay the 485 - 'misuse' of L-1 visa, Indians may be hit

U.S examines L-1 visa misuse

Indo-Asian News Service

The United States is examining complaints that L-1 or temporary visas, the main beneficiaries of which are IT workers from India, are being misused.

The New York Times quoted officials at the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) as saying that it is conducting an assessment of the L-1 visa.

The bureau is a division of the Department of Homeland Security that oversees the granting of L-1 and other work visas.

In the nearly three years since the technology bubble burst, the use of L-1 visas to bring in workers - with a large percentage from India - has become a popular strategy among firms seeking to cut labour costs, said the daily.

The number of these temporary visas granted rose nearly 40 percent to 57,700 in 2002 from 41,739 in 1999.

The visas are intended to allow companies to transfer employees from a foreign branch or subsidiary to company offices in the US companies based in India and elsewhere now routinely use these to bring their workers into the US and then contract them out to American companies, the daily pointed out.

"If this is a company offering the services of their employee to go work for another company, it sounds dubious," the daily quoted BCIS spokesman Bill Strassberger as saying.

American technology workers say their jobs are being replaced not only by lower-cost foreign workers abroad, due to outsourcing, but also increasingly by foreign workers who enter the US on the L-1 visa.

In response to the controversy, which has caused considerable anguish among American workers, Rep. John L Mica, a Republican from Florida, introduced a bill this month to prevent companies from hiring foreigners with L-1 visas.,0005.htm
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This is not news...This all started when TCS replaced 20 people at Siemens, Florida Office. Ever since there have been reports of BCIS/BICE wanting to monitor L1 Visa Issuance.
Originally posted by krishnakt
This is not news...This all started when TCS replaced 20 people at Siemens, Florida Office. Ever since there have been reports of BCIS/BICE wanting to monitor L1 Visa Issuance.

And that's about time. Although it will probably complicate things for legitimate filers for the time being, but hopefully, bodyshops will cease abusing of L-1 visa.

And, hopefully, INS will approach the issue constructively by making it hard or impossible for bodyshops to procure L-1 visas for their "bodies"; and not terminating the L-1 program.

What do you mean by "This is not news".

Do you think the '" home page is publishing the wrong information.

How do you link this with the Siemens. Do you have any other information or any link for this siemens issue.

Can you come out with the exact dates of the siemens episode.
Here is the web address of the person who was one of the displaced workers at Siemens and started this movement against the L-1 visa.

It certainly looks like a bunch of the Indian firms had been busy misusing the L1 visa. Its about time someone does something about it. After all the poor L1 employees lose out (since they are paid a per diem cost of living here and a salary back home, way below the prevailing wages I suppose) , the people displaced lose out and the big corporations profit as usual!

It is not true with all Indian companies. I came here first on L1 visa thru one of the IT giants in India to their client site. I was paid full salary as per US standard on par with any American worker here. All L1 guys may not have been used only for managerial tasks. But again that is a vague term in INS's dictionary. Whatever it may be, it was being used as a fast, easy, alternative channel for H1. I expected this will trigger some sort of backlash long back. As the economy is down it is being used as a tool to promote the political interests of few politicians here. It may not go well with their money sponsors, the industry which is using such facilities. More than US media, Indian media is creating a hype about this bill. It is going to impact Indian companies in the short run but in long term, it may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Even if the bill is made as law, companies can workaround the rule by few of their own offices near the client site. For example if the client operates from 1-10 floors, Consulting companies office may be located in 11th floor. So it is not a big deal to talk about and it is not going to impact our 485 any way.
The L1 replacement visa

I found this board in my webserver log.

We are the Americans that stood up to Siemens & Tata Consulting, we've been actively trying to get our congressman to help.

The good news for you immigration lawyers is Rep Mica nor our 2 Senators care about the well being of American citizens. None of them actively did anything positive.

So you immigration lawyers need not worry. right now that is. Eventually, you will be targeted to. That is when the industry is kaput in the USA.

Here are a few links of interest.

From India

In last Sunday's SF Chronicle front page Business

In the NY Times today 5/30/2003

March 10, 2003 Business Week

eWeek Jan 6, 2003,3959,809079,00.asp

Hey Troup,

Americans taught the world capitalism . And when if affects you, its a problem.. isn't it?

You guys know to blame the employers .. have you ever thought of the other side when the demand was high you guys charged an insane amount of money and the employers had no choice but to bend to your whims ad fancies.. you guys lined up 2-3 projects at a time .. ditched employers midway during projects etc etc. Now the stockholders put pressure to increase profits and the only way to do that is decrease cost, if not half the companies you are talking about will go kaput anyway so where will your job protection be.. Its a Global market now the world is shrinking.And From the employer perspective ..Guess what ! its payback time..
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Soumy u r correct.

It is a global market and those who have good skills can survive.

The changes are not only for profit but also for skills.
You write as though you know Troup1998 actually did those things. So you think consultants then were a bad lot. Maybe. These were employees who were replaced, or am I wrong? From what I gather no employee is allowed to "charge an insane amount of money", in most places even overtime isnt paid.
Most of the immigration lawyers your message was directed against are not visitors to this board. If any lawyer does visit here he would be someone dealing in I485 or green cards.
Guilty Americans?

I usually do not reply to negative attacks on my position. But since this one is directed towards me personally I will.

I see you are quite satisfied with your "payback time".

From our prespective, all we wanted to do was make a living, personally, all I want is medical insurance for my daughter, Hanna.

When my medical insurance for Hanna(age 7, spina-bifida L4-5) is at risk, I will do whatever it takes. In the USA there are not many that can afford 8 surgeries in 7 years.

Toss in the fact that FL Gov Jeb Bush just modified the insurance laws, whereas they can underwrite policies. That is, they can ask whether you have pre-existing conditions. If so they can deny you. Previously, if you had insurance within the previous 30 days, insurance companies could not deny you. Not now, thanks to Jeb. Thus, I must have a job.

Additionally, I chose to stand up against what I call "corporate & congressional greed". I do not feel American citizens should be required to train their foreign replacement workers in our country.

That is exactly what the Americans at Siemens ICN Lake Mary, FL were told to do. Train them then Siemens will provide a severance upon your exit.

Fair to American citizens? I don't think so, but if it provides more corporate campaign contributions and higher CEO salaries then I guess that what our country wants.

And about contributions, do the link to see what our Representative did when we contacted him on 8/15/2002.

PS, I do not know what a I485 is, I only saw this site in my webserver log so I decided to take a look.


Its not so much your cause that is unfair. - I have no doubt that if the shoe was on the other foot , the people who criticize you on this board and elsewhere would react exactly the same way as you have. -
It is your approach to getting your case across that's shocking. For a father who feels for his daughter - To put the names and addresses of the employees and their children is just not done.
They as I am are individuals who are just trying to live our lives as best we can.

Well, what is shocking seems to be the only answer.

6 months of begging and pleading our US Senators and Rep Mica got us nowhere so I went the extra mile.

6 solid months, everyday, contacting them with phone calls, letters, faxes, office visits, documents, etc. They do nothing for their constituents.

Had I not gone the extra mile I'd be just like all the other thousands of Americans being ignored by their paid for/elected officials.

BTW, Tata Consulting gave me this information. They put that information out for everyone to read.

I agree that L1 visas ought not to be abused, and that most employers don't.

I also agree about capitalists needing to have the guts to lie in the bed that they made, but that is not an immigration issue...
US lobbyists fighting against outsourcing

Alarmed by a report that 1.7 million US jobs may be lost to other countries, particularly to India, American workers, trade unions, local governments and legislators are fighting back to keep jobs at home and prevent outsourcing to countries where skilled workers are cheaper, media reported today.
The Wall Street Journal quoting a report by Forrester Research said American workers may lose USD 120 bn in wages by 2015, multinational firms are feeling the first ripple of the backlash but are bracing for the worst.

"It is the perfect storm right now," said Harris Miller, President of the Information Technology Association of America, a trade group representing 500 technology concerns.

Many companies, slashing their US payrolls to take advantage of cheaper labour overseas, the Journal said noting that according to Forrester, loss of office support jobs lost by 2015 are estimated at 1.7 million jobs.

The computer sector is expected to lose 0.47 mn jobs, business 0.35 mn management 0.29 mn, sales 0.23 mn, architecture 0.18 mn and legal 0.08 mn.

Under the heading "States Fight Exodus of Jobs; Lawmakers, Unions Seek to Block Outsourcing Overseas," the paper said, "Legislation aimed at keeping jobs in the US is pending in at least five States -- New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, Missouri and Washington State.

The bills employ a variety of methods, including blocking companies from using foreign workers on State contracts and requiring foreign call-centre employees to identify where they are located. By one estimate, "several million" US jobs are expected to move offshore in the next 12 years, particularly to India.