US Passport - Can I apply for kid's passport also simultaneously ?


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I'm planning to apply for my US passport. My question is, whether it is possible to apply for my kid's passport also, simultaneously ?. (They ask the proof of US citizenship and my kid gets it through my citizenship). If so, how do we take care of the USC proof in 2 passport applications at the same time ?.

Or, I have to wait until I receive my US passport, and then apply for the kid's US passport.

My understanding is the latter one is the correct way. If we can apply simultaneously, we can save time. That's why this question.

Thanks for your help, in advance.

I couldn't figure out how to do it (I asked at 3 post offices, each said that you need to send the original natz cert with each application). So, my daughter got her passport first, then we applied for my wife.

The only place this might be possible would be a passport agency (run by the state department). There are 14 of them around the country (see the list at

Someone else might correct me.
You can apply your passport for the whole family. I did the same thing last month and we all got the passports.

Some places do not accept the copies you take and that is what happened to me. They took the copies from the originals I had, including the naturalization certificate.
Some places do not accept the copies you take and that is what happened to me. They took the copies from the originals I had, including the naturalization certificate.

Curious. So did you include your original natz certificate with one of the applications?
Yeah, you can apply !

Thanks every one for your reply.

Yesterday, I applied for both the kids and for me in a near by post office. My wife is yet to take the Oath. One kid is a USC ( just a passport renewal). So no issues with that kid. For the other kid they collected her green card, my marriage certificate, and her birth certificate (all originals). They took the copy of my naturalization certificate and attached to her application. Both the parents were present. That's it. All set. FYI...

Bundled application - still not in the system

I had the same question earlier when I applied for passports for the family. We submitted our applications on Feb 3 in a post office. I applied for mine separately as expedited - I got my passport within about 10 days.
We asked if we could submit my kids' applications simultaneously with my wife's (as regular processing). The answer was yes. They took my wife's naturalization certificate, the kids' green cards and birth certificates and bundled the three applications together. I had extra copies of my and my wife's naturalization certificates, but they did not take them.
As of today, my wife's and my kids' applications are still not in the State Department's online system and their checks have not been processed - and I'm getting concerned that there is a problem.
As of today, my wife's and my kids' applications are still not in the State Department's online system and their checks have not been processed - and I'm getting concerned that there is a problem.

My application was also filed without expediting, and my status never appeared on the State Department's website at all. My passport showed up within 4 weeks though, slightly faster than expected. So the fact that the status has not shown up is not an indication of anything being wrong. They just get the passports out faster than they update the website, it seems (a couple of other people described having the same experience, I believe both in the Tampa timeline thread).
I paid via money order, so I can't comment on the checks not having been processed. But if you really are worried (which I wouldn't be, since it's only been a couple of weeks), you could always call the State Department and check on the status of your family's applications. They're very helpful and friendly.