US Citizenship and Postponing Inteview.


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Hi All,
I have received my interview letter and my interview is scheduled in the first week of December. However I need to travel to India during that time. The interview letter says that "if you cannot keep the appointment, please return this letter immediately and request for a new appointment".

What does it mean by returning the interview letter. Will they give a new interview letter with the new date? Usually is it safe to postpone? I mean will they give the interview date of our choice,i.e for ex after I come back from India during the 2nd week of January 08,will they honour that request. How does that work?

Does any one have idea about the above issue. Please share your thoughts and opinions asap. This is very important for me and need to act immediately.

Looking for quick responses.

Thanks in advance.
Unless it's a matter of life and death do not cancel the interview. If you do, you'll be put back in the system and many have found that takes a long long time sometimes. Others have been lost being refiled in the system. So unless you want to possibly wait for an unknown amount of time, it's best you cancel your trip.

I have heard one person that had success with getting a reschedual a few months later, but most stories I've heard are haven't happend that quickly. Just remember you will be put back in the cycle of things. If you have worked this hard to get your USC, don't let the INS have the chance to screw that up for you. Cancel the trip...
If I were in your situation, I would go ahead and postpone it. Once you are through the security check and your file is in the local office things are much more simple. I had my interview recently and will delay my Oath to next year.

My IO said it is not a big deal. There is a lot of people who would suggest not to do so, but in my over 5 years on this board I have not seen a lot of information to support this view. One can't stop one's life for a citizenship process. A month or two late is not going to make a diference then go ahead and enjoy your vacation.

Hi All,
I have received my interview letter and my interview is scheduled in the first week of December. However I need to travel to India during that time. The interview letter says that "if you cannot keep the appointment, please return this letter immediately and request for a new appointment".

What does it mean by returning the interview letter. Will they give a new interview letter with the new date? Usually is it safe to postpone? I mean will they give the interview date of our choice,i.e for ex after I come back from India during the 2nd week of January 08,will they honour that request. How does that work?

Does any one have idea about the above issue. Please share your thoughts and opinions asap. This is very important for me and need to act immediately.

Looking for quick responses.

Thanks in advance.
So if I understood this correctly, the recommendation is that it is better to finish the interview and leave may be on the same day. So if the oath letter comes in between, then that can be postponed.,right? It is much better than postponing the interview. Am I understanding this correctly? Please clarify.
So if I understood this correctly, the recommendation is that it is better to finish the interview and leave may be on the same day. So if the oath letter comes in between, then that can be postponed.,right? It is much better than postponing the interview. Am I understanding this correctly? Please clarify.

It all depends on what you give more importance to, a potentially delayed immigration process or enjoying a vacation with your family. Most people who have gone through the arduous process of immigration and have experienced delays in their immigration processes will probably like to avoid any delays in their immigration process (if at all possible) and would postpone their vacation. Certainly, there is another camp, brb2, who value vacationing more and there is nothing wrong with either approaches. But it is a personal decision, I believe. If I were you, I wouldnt delay my immigration process as it removes some uncertainity from my life. Vacation is something that I can control and schedule according to my wishes, Immigration process on the other hand is not in my control.

I know not a clear answer, but just to re-iterate that its your decision if you decide to postpone or not.

Take Care and Good Luck,
I don't know if I made my question clear or not.
My question is " Is postponing the oath better than postponing the interview"? If yes, then I can choose that option.
I don't know if I made my question clear or not.
My question is " Is postponing the oath better than postponing the interview"? If yes, then I can choose that option.

The best option is postpoing nothing that deals with USCIS and postpoing everything that is personal. That would be the majority advice from this board.
I don't know if I made my question clear or not.
My question is " Is postponing the oath better than postponing the interview"? If yes, then I can choose that option.

Marginally better, yes. Oath ceremonies are scheduled by the DO, while interviews are scheduled by the SC.
Either way you'll still leave it all up in the hands of others, but I agree if you had to make a decision, the Oath is probably the best to postpone rather then the interview.

To cancel the interview, I'd just send the letter back as it states. Eventually they'll re-schedual you for another appointment down the road hopefully (some have gotten lost in paper work on this stage). For the Oath, I believe it's the same process to cancel, just return the Oath letter when you get it and specify you need to reschedual...
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As everyone above has suggested, better not to re-schedule anything with USCIS if at all possible. But if you have to I would agree with others, Oath is probably marginally better than the Interview.

Good Luck..
Marginally better, yes. Oath ceremonies are scheduled by the DO, while interviews are scheduled by the SC.

Another possibility may be to inform the interviewer of your travel plans and see if they can schedule your oath after your return date. I've heard of instances where such a request was accomodated but probably depends on the interviewer and the local office policies.