URGENT Update on CIR

Okay - No problem.
That is your opinion.
I don't believe that it's true.

I do believe that there will be relief to the retrogression before the end of the year. I am convinced. That is my opinion, and I believe it to be true, whether you like it or not.

In the meantime, you two can continue being bitter and hating the world. I come here to read about any news or advances, not to feel sorry for myself



Some people can't be changed... Can they ? Don't put words in my mouth.... Hey I'm not here bitter or hatred,neither do I feel sorry on myself..... I'm just posting things,the way I feel....

You want to bury your head in the sand and pretend everything will be good goody... ha... What a pathetic idea .... keep it up !!

If you really want to discuss things constructively ... do that as many here do.... like discussing abt what is in CIR, how it affects various parties expecting relief,chances of getting it passed into law etc.....
Ofcourse ..

The game is about who's gonna capture hispanic votes. Nobody gives a damn that hundreds of thousands who applied legally stand in the line.


This whole imimgration issue is steeped in politics and there will never be a sensible or logical solution to this mess. Legals just do not have any clout. How can legals (numbering several thousand or maybe a million or so) compete for attention with 13 million illegals?

These days the very word "immigration" means "illegal immigrants". It is unfair and biased but that is how the entire US thinks. This year, CIR is the only option for us. If nothing happens on CIR then we can pretty much forget about anything till '09.


a question for all


This whole imimgration issue is steeped in politics and there will never be a sensible or logical solution to this mess. Legals just do not have any clout. How can legals (numbering several thousand or maybe a million or so) compete for attention with 13 million illegals?

These days the very word "immigration" means "illegal immigrants". It is unfair and biased but that is how the entire US thinks. This year, CIR is the only option for us. If nothing happens on CIR then we can pretty much forget about anything till '09.



So, guys, I am just thinking loudly. Does this mean that if I violate immigration law and become illegal that I can get residency faster if CIR passes and goes into effect?:eek:
That is a misconception, your file will be added to the existing EB-3 files. So you are given reprieve in the sense that you can file for immigraion and not be thrown out of the country, fringer printed and put in some list of future culprits. But the funny part is that process never completes even after you die. That means work on temporary basis, you will become so useless and over used that you will try to leave the country yourself.

What a clever way to use you and then throw you out at your own expense.


So, guys, I am just thinking loudly. Does this mean that if I violate immigration law and become illegal that I can get residency faster if CIR passes and goes into effect?:eek:

That is a misconception, your file will be added to the existing EB-3 files. So you are given reprieve in the sense that you can file for immigraion and not be thrown out of the country, fringer printed and put in some list of future culprits. But the funny part is that process never completes even after you die. That means work on temporary basis, you will become so useless and over used that you will try to leave the country yourself.

What a clever way to use you and then throw you out at your own expense.


What do you mean by "the proccess never completes?" Could you pls explain?

Also, an offtopic (sorry guys). My I-140 has recently been approved in EB-3 category. We've been applying for 5 years now. I am really disappointed and this long wait affected me several ways (I had to take medication recently due to stress problems I developed). I have been working here for 7 years now. I was thinking about the following.
I have to decide at a certain point that maybe all this might not be worth it. I have not decided yet but I cannot wait forever.
So, getting to the point: I contributed 7 years towards SS benefit payment. Can I get that money back? Or if I reach 10 years and move back, will I be able to get a pension when I retire? Sorry for the offtopic.
Although I understand your dissapointment, it is important that legal immigrants push their agenda before CIR. If Bill Gates is trying to help the cause, we need to atleast be more hopeful on the prospects. If you are not in the game to win, why even play it. No point talking negative. It adds to the gloom and inaction....
I think legal immigrants look at the end result too much. We just need to be more intense when things start moving and in other times just wait it out. Easier said than done but better than being negative....


This whole imimgration issue is steeped in politics and there will never be a sensible or logical solution to this mess. Legals just do not have any clout. How can legals (numbering several thousand or maybe a million or so) compete for attention with 13 million illegals?

These days the very word "immigration" means "illegal immigrants". It is unfair and biased but that is how the entire US thinks. This year, CIR is the only option for us. If nothing happens on CIR then we can pretty much forget about anything till '09.


Thanks for putting into words what I was thinking.
I too believe that we will get out of this slump.
Thanks for putting into words what I was thinking.
I too believe that we will get out of this slump.

According to some lawyers, CIR with x (x > 0) measures for legals will pass by mid-July, and in another 6 months, i.e., by Jan, 2008, USCIS will implement those provisions.

Although I understand your dissapointment, it is important that legal immigrants push their agenda before CIR. If Bill Gates is trying to help the cause, we need to atleast be more hopeful on the prospects. If you are not in the game to win, why even play it. No point talking negative. It adds to the gloom and inaction....
I think legal immigrants look at the end result too much. We just need to be more intense when things start moving and in other times just wait it out. Easier said than done but better than being negative....


I do not mean to be negative but all of us need to be realistic. I will be very pleased if something is done for legals because I will be one of the first to benefit. The problem is that I have seen enough of this rhetoric before without much action. That being said, there is no harm in hoping for something good to happen this time around.

All I can say is ... good luck to all of us ...


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Bill Gates Recording

Take a look at this website


I am very happy and satisfied that the World's richest man understands our
concersn more than even our attorneys....

My belief is eveybody one day will get his/her Green Card. But will it bear any use is the concern. Expectations in life is like Coke in a bottle and the fizz is the Timing. We can always drink the open can coke after a day or two. But will you like it is the question? Same way What I preceive today... me being in early 30s will all stamina/brainpower and vigor to start my own company or other avenues to be independent may be difficult or lost desires when I get Freedom Card in Early 40s. This battle has been going inside me for a while. Bill gates testimony provided soo many answers to the burning questions

I encourage everyone of you to watch his testimony. It is suprising to see that he sounded very frustrated and kinda angry at times with the immigration system.

Imagine this, If the world's richest man and the President of the World Biggest Economy are supporting and lobbying for the Freedom Card backlog issue and unfortunately or fortunately CIR fails to address these concerns , then who else can lobby for us?

So the biggest answer for our future lies in the CIR addressing GC backlog issues. If either CIR doesnt address legals or the CIR includes all legal immigrations issues but fails to become law, I think we (who likes to drink coke with fizz) are wasting time over here...

Just my 2 cents...
some news coming

i had called kennedy's office today; something is cooking there. they told me read newspapers for the next few days.
That's good then

Kennedy is as liberal as they come and he is also the chief sponsor of the bill.So there definitely might be something cooking, thats good news.

Assuming that CIR passes , then how far back will they go to implement 290,000 visas per year or, when and how potentially can we file for exemption from visa limits etc?
For e.g my PD is 2/2003 (EB3), so if they introduce CIR this summer and the number is raised to 290,000 how soon roughly might my case become current (now its May 2001)?

under "Backlog Reduction" for more details about the changes.
I think there have been further amendments and the new bill introduced is S.2612
I think yours will be approved in the first month....:p

Kennedy is as liberal as they come and he is also the chief sponsor of the bill.So there definitely might be something cooking, thats good news.

Assuming that CIR passes , then how far back will they go to implement 290,000 visas per year or, when and how potentially can we file for exemption from visa limits etc?
For e.g my PD is 2/2003 (EB3), so if they introduce CIR this summer and the number is raised to 290,000 how soon roughly might my case become current (now its May 2001)?

under "Backlog Reduction" for more details about the changes.
I think there have been further amendments and the new bill introduced is S.2612
seems like Alberto Gonzales is going to get the sack.
anyone have ideas on how this will impact us, if at all?

also seeing in the news last few days that parents with kids who were deported are being allowed to return to rejoin their kids.

general climate seems to be changing pretty fast.
I am wondering; is Alberto Gonzales has connection with immigrant issue?

seems like Alberto Gonzales is going to get the sack.
anyone have ideas on how this will impact us, if at all?

also seeing in the news last few days that parents with kids who were deported are being allowed to return to rejoin their kids.

general climate seems to be changing pretty fast.