URGENT Update on CIR

Thats because, illegal immigration is an issue for USA..

Thats because, illegal immigration is an issue for USA..
CIR is mainly focused on Illegal immigration.
Well, there was little said about EB - but there was one statement that gave me some hope... It was:

Finally, we know that immigrants are an essential source of the knowledge-based skills that are necessary to compete in the 21st century. In the high-skill fields of computers, mathematics, engineering, architecture, and science, immigrants make up more than 40 percent of the workers with PhDs.

As countries like China, Japan and the United Kingdom face declining populations, the United States can make immigration a competitive advantage to help maintain a vibrant and growing economy. In order for this to happen, however, immigration reform must recognize our economy’s need for workers at both ends of the skill spectrum.
Legals ...

Today they had hearing on CIR. Here is the link to that hearing notes.


not a single statement for EB Green Cards. All talk about illegals. :(


The legal immigration problem is of no importance to anyone (except us legals ofcourse). A few thousand legal immigrants stuck in retrogression is not considered a huge problem. So far as everyone is concerned, legals can work, legals can earn money AND most of all legals pay taxes. Where exactly is the problem then? That is what most Americans think. Lawmakers offer sympathy to legals and provide all sorts of lip service but thats about it. Come to think of it. The issue of legal immigration just doesn't hold any weight these days.

These days the word immigration automatically means "13 million illegals". Like it or not, thats the reality. Our fate is tied with illegal immigration because legal immigration by itself just doesn't have legs to stand on its own.


much more than few thousand


The legal immigration problem is of no importance to anyone (except us legals ofcourse). A few thousand legal immigrants stuck in retrogression is not considered a huge problem. So far as everyone is concerned, legals can work, legals can earn money AND most of all legals pay taxes. Where exactly is the problem then? That is what most Americans think. Lawmakers offer sympathy to legals and provide all sorts of lip service but thats about it. Come to think of it. The issue of legal immigration just doesn't hold any weight these days.

These days the word immigration automatically means "13 million illegals". Like it or not, thats the reality. Our fate is tied with illegal immigration because legal immigration by itself just doesn't have legs to stand on its own.



It is not right to think that there are only few thousand of legals.
Just think that on average each legal has at least 2 dependants who also should be considered as legals. I think around couple of millions legals stuck in retrogression if we count dependants.

Even now not evereyone can file EB green card (through perm) in the category which allow not to be affected with retrogression.

That's why this number has tendency to grow very fast.
I don't think even the CIR is going anywhere. The status quo works for everyone (politicians, businesses) except for the aliens themselves. Come to think of it, when all those millions of workers become legal they would demand equal pay and rights as any citizen, can those businesses who have currently employed them afford that? Uncle Sam is getting his taxes (contrary to the opinion of many on this forum, the undocumented workers do pay taxes), businesses are getting cheap labor. why would anyone upset the applecart.
I don't think even the CIR is going anywhere. The status quo works for everyone (politicians, businesses) except for the aliens themselves. Come to think of it, when all those millions of workers become legal they would demand equal pay and rights as any citizen, can those businesses who have currently employed them afford that? Uncle Sam is getting his taxes (contrary to the opinion of many on this forum, the undocumented workers do pay taxes), businesses are getting cheap labor. why would anyone upset the applecart.

well said pal.
You guys are so pessimistic.
If everything sucks - if CIR is going nowhere, and your applications are going nowhere and everything is going nowhere, WHY BOTHER?

I do believe that this situation will change. Retrogression will not last forever. It's just not possible. Things will improve within the next couple of years.
If you don't believe so, you are better off withdrawing your application and moving on with your lives.

Your negative energy drains me.
It is more likely that CIR will be introduce in Senate next week. Most controversial issue is legalization and path to citizenship to 12 million illegals. http://www.shusterman.com/ reported that new CIR will have Touch down provisions. Illegal aliens have to go back to their own country or Mexico/Canada and apply for work permit. They will be forgiven for one time from 3/10 years ban.

This is just from http://www.shusterman.com/ we don't know reality until text of CIR get published.

If Touch back provision is true, it will get support from many House republican and may have little easy passage. It is not bad. When legal H1B holder is going back to re stamp visa, why not illegals?
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Thanks for the info.
I couldnt find it in shusterman's website, though... Do you have the link?

Isn't it nice when you can see some rays of sun shining through, behind the clouds? Even if the sunshine is only in your head -- it feels good.
Hey ordinaria,

What ElusiveGC said is true. Whether you like it or not,those are the reasons. If being realistic is pessimistic,then so be it. Everyone wants to be done with this agonising,taxing,messed up GC process as soon as possible... If that is not the case then why would anyone come to this forum and participate. If this drains you,that is something that you have to deal with on yr own.

I have been saying all along that CIR in its current state (amnesty to fence-jumpers)is most likely to be doomed. But if some controversial provisions are changed as khodalmd has suggested,then we have a chance or else expect to be in for a long haul.....
Another ray of hope. Bill Gates to testify before senate panel on March 7. This is going to help great to skilled immigrants.


This has got to be it. He is talking to Edward Kennedy who was against increasing visa numbers and probably one of the dumbest yet longest serving congressman. If this doesn't survive, moving to London.... its not worth putting up here if the country has got so dumb. Hell! it has already got dumb, Bill Gates having to lay it out for Ed Kennedy....
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Hey ordinaria,

What ElusiveGC said is true. Whether you like it or not,those are the reasons. If being realistic is pessimistic,then so be it. Everyone wants to be done with this agonising,taxing,messed up GC process as soon as possible... If that is not the case then why would anyone come to this forum and participate. If this drains you,that is something that you have to deal with on yr own.

I have been saying all along that CIR in its current state (amnesty to fence-jumpers)is most likely to be doomed. But if some controversial provisions are changed as khodalmd has suggested,then we have a chance or else expect to be in for a long haul.....

Okay - No problem.
That is your opinion.
I don't believe that it's true.

I do believe that there will be relief to the retrogression before the end of the year. I am convinced. That is my opinion, and I believe it to be true, whether you like it or not.

In the meantime, you two can continue being bitter and hating the world. I come here to read about any news or advances, not to feel sorry for myself.


They might as well rename the effort CIIR (Comprehensive Illegal Immigration Reform)

Combine that with the information in the link below, it is nothing but pure politics. People in retrogression are on their own and can only hope for the best. What I don't understand is how 11 million illegal immigrants who obviously do not vote have such a political clout? -

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Okay - No problem.
That is your opinion.
I don't believe that it's true.

I do believe that there will be relief to the retrogression before the end of the year. I am convinced. That is my opinion, and I believe it to be true, whether you like it or not.

In the meantime, you two can continue being bitter and hating the world. I come here to read about any news or advances, not to feel sorry for myself.

He who lives on hope will die fasting - Vivekananda

Hey Ordinaria, Chill out brother. It's not being pessimistic, or being sorry for oneself so much as being practical. I've been waiting for my GC for more than 6 years now and have seen quite a few measures like this which dazzle and fizzle out.

It's a known fact that letting so many millions in will break the system and it is also not feasible to deport them all. As anyone following immigration related news knows, many towns are taking action to deny housing to illegals and are prosecuting employers who hire undocumented workers. As this trend spreads to more and more cities and states, most of the aliens will deport themselves. And when the number of these illegals comes down to a manageable figure they might enact some kind of reform. When this might happen? 3, maybe 5 years. who knows. In the meantime, expect the political drama to continue.
The poor souls might stay poor forever ...

Those in hope of the passage of CIR are still in denial stage, refusing to face the truth. US economy is coming into recession after years of expansion, as indicated by the equity market, not only in US, but also in most other countries. CIR will not pass until your hair grays. Some of you shall consider going back to your home countries or immigrate to a third country.

To the illegal aliens: America welcome new slaves under shadows:)

Some of posters complained about not being able to purchase a home in USA. Now it's become apparent that they were lucky enough not having been able to get into the housing market. In comparison to many middle class Americans who are now under water with their newly purchase home, those posters are really blessed. How do you know you are unfortunate for being underprivileged? You'd be able to buy your dreamed house at a much lower price!

One quick tip for your cash: buy QID to befriend the born anew secular bear market!

You guys are so pessimistic.
If everything sucks - if CIR is going nowhere, and your applications are going nowhere and everything is going nowhere, WHY BOTHER?

I do believe that this situation will change. Retrogression will not last forever. It's just not possible. Things will improve within the next couple of years.
If you don't believe so, you are better off withdrawing your application and moving on with your lives.

Your negative energy drains me.
What I don't understand is how 11 million illegal immigrants who obviously do not vote have such a political clout?
Their clout comes from their relatives, friends, and compatriots who are already US citizens, in particular Hispanics. Politicians pay attention to the illegals because they want to please the Hispanic voting block.
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