Urgent traveling with RTD as asylee to cop, please advice


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My asylum was granted in 07/06/05 its been one year and few weeks. My father is dying of cancer he is terminal and doctors are pretty much holding him alive for me to see him and viceversa, he is in my home country Colombia. I requested a RTD with expedite handling for this reasons and plan to stay at the most 7 days I am a little concern if they are going to let me in again or if this is possible at all, What are my chaces of entering again? has someone ever attempt this? please advice
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jubilee have you contemplated the possiblity of going back, have you searched about the possibility? sorry about your father, I am going to do everything within my power to see him. people alive are not happy and will regret such issues from wher I come from anyways thanks for your support
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Any answers would be great....I havent seen my grandparents in 20 plus years, my assylum was granted to my father and family indefinetly. I have no problem in my birth country, could I go? could I get a passport?

do what you have to do,

you should ask yourself what is it important to you,your father or your asylum case,?

to me, my family is more important to me than anythimg in this world,

who give dam about immigration status,

its your decision , no body else can help you
poseidon said:
My asylum was granted in 07/06/05 its been one year and few weeks. My father is dying of cancer he is terminal and doctors are pretty much holding him alive for me to see him and viceversa, he is in my home country Colombia. I requested a RTD with expedite handling for this reasons and plan to stay at the most 7 days I am a little concern if they are going to let me in again or if this is possible at all, What are my chaces of entering again? has someone ever attempt this? please advice

First thing you need to do is get a "Certificate of Medical Illness" from the hospital where your dad is or from a doctor in your COP. If its not in english, you need to get it translated(certified).

Now if your home country lets you in with a RTD, great! Upon your return, you can show the letter as an evidence.

Usually cases like this, they are lenient.
wantmygcnow said:
First thing you need to do is get a "Certificate of Medical Illness" from the hospital where your dad is or from a doctor in your COP. If its not in english, you need to get it translated(certified).

Now if your home country lets you in with a RTD, great! Upon your return, you can show the letter as an evidence.

Usually cases like this, they are lenient.
Can you tell us what happened? Did you go back to Colombia? If so, what happened when you came back to the sates?