URGENT: Senate Judiciary Bill at the Brink of Collapse Unless Everybody Contracts Sen


Registered Users (C)
11/01/2005: Senate Judiciary Bill at the Brink of Collapse Unless Everybody Contracts Senators and Congressmen!!!

The full Senate failed to take a roll call for this bill today. Believe it or not, Senator Byrd intends to offer an amendment tomorrow (11/2/05) to remove the H-1B and immigrant visa retrogression provisions passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee from the Budget Reconciliation Package.
Please call your Senators and urge a "NO vote on the Bird Amendment Immediately!!"

CALL THE CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD: 202-224-3121 OR GET DIRECT LINES BY CLICKING HERE: http://capwiz.com/aila2/home/

Everyone should call tonight. I mean EVERYONE. Call your friends and relatives and ask them to participate in this urgent campaign and call their Senators tonight. Call or send e-mails to your immigrant friends and alert them IMMEDIATELY! Ask them to call or send e-mails to everyone they know and ask them to call the Senators tonight. TIME IS OF ESSENCE.
This reporter will check whether our visitors did their share of work by looking at the our homepage "counter" tomorrow morning.

Please do not Panic

Hello uvg,

Please do not Panic. Most of us have already written to their respective senators. Everyone is worried about the retrogression and some of us have urged the employers to contact senators.

Some fellows have been working on a site too. We are here.
Everything will be fine. Dont worry.

Do not tell to be patient at this time. Everyone please just do it. We cannot take any risk at this time. In fact I am requesting everyone to flood capitoll hill with phone calls and faxed requesting them to vote NO on the amendment request.

I have also written email to Byrd telling him to hold his amendment request. Legal immigrants are not your enemy. Your amendment will actually bring lot of hardship to legal immigrants and their family.

Hope he reads the email and act wisely.
I called VA senators

I called VA senators this morning and passed the message. Please call your respective senators.