Urgent RFE - please help.....


Registered Users (C)
RFE for Employment letter, BC Affidavits and Work Authorization proof. please share your thoughts/suggestions please....

RD: 09/20/01
ND: 10/10/01
RFE: 02/06/01

Can somone please confirm with me if this is the right format i am using for affidavits and employment letter please....


ON 20Rs stamp paper....

2 AFFIDAVITs (mother and father)

(name of father), on oath, states as follows:

1. That I am the father of "myname"

2. That the mother of myname is mother's name

3. That I, father's name was born on 00/00/00 (need to fill) in the city CHENNAI (MADRAS), INDIA and
currently reside at "full address", INDIA.

4. That myname was born on birthdate
at "place of birth full address"

5. That I was present at the birth of myname on mybirthdate.

6. That prior to 1970, the reporting of births in India was voluntary, that no certificate
exists recording the birth of myname and that, therefore, I
am executing this Affidavit for the purpose of giving evidence of his birth.

7. I declare under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is a true and correct statement.

Signature of Father

Subscribed and sworn to
before me this Wednesday
of February 12th, 2003.

(II) Employment letter format

HR Representative


February 10, 2003

U.S. Department of Justice
Immigration and Naturalization

RE : myname

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is to confirm that “my full name” is presently employed by “company name”, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the employment-based immigrant visa petition, which is the basis for his pending Permanent Residence Application. Mr. “myname” has been employed by “companyname” since “employment date” in the position of “title”, and is being paid an annual salary of at least $$$$$$ and standard company benefits.

Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or if further documentation is needed. Thank you for your assistance.

I declare, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct.

Should you have any questions, please direct them to our attorney, attorney name, at 000.000.0000


HR Representative
got this format from my attorney

but wanted to double check with you folks...


Your letter formats seems to be alright. Also see many discussions in the thread "Birth Certificate..." by Optimist99 in this forum.

You do not need to execute in Stamped Paper. Plain A4 sheets will do in US.

where can I find a good example of

employment letter? do you need to talk about benefit too? do they ever talk about benefit during labor certification??