URGENT questions regarding education on P3..

Jack Bauer

Registered Users (C)
This is for those folks whose reviews have been completed at the NVC.. Shanks, im9999, Dolphins and others.. plz reply.

Has anyone not included elementary/high schools and got their P3\'s reviewed without RFE ? The P3 states Degree/Diploma so I did not include my earlier institutes,, Only degree/ masters.. Anyone else done the same ? There is some confusion on the board regarding this matter, and I hope this thread can clear it up.

What did those guys with sucessful review enter ?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Jack, I am in the same boat ! I called NVC about this. They asked me to fax an

attachment to NVC with attn :p4.
So I faxed a sheet with my school info all the way upto 1st grade.(as I had many schools)
For my spouse, I just added her high school info in the DS230 part1 as she has only one school all through.

This was my second fax as last week I had faxed the correction of item 20 for my wife.
I am hoping these faxes do not delay my review.

Cp\'ers whose review is over please throw some light on this.
I just spoke to the NVC..

They said that if your highest diploma is a high school diploma (we dont get diploma\'s in india) then you should enter that but if you have higher education like a degree, then that is sufficient.. You dont have to enter previous educational institutes. It should not be a problem..

She also mentioned that the other questions like places of residence and employment are the most critical questions for review. So looks like guys who only entered BE/MS\'s should be fine.. Otherwise someone would have got an RFE by now..

For now, I\'m going to hold off faxing any documents for fear of complicating the review ;-)
I spoke to NVC operator re. item23 of DS-230

She said it is better to include all the educational institutions...right from the elementary school.
review done

I did not send any high school certificates. Just included my degree and got the review done. packet 3 was also sent to chennai consulate.
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I\'ve also just included BE in there.. Spoke to the NVC and they say its a non-critical question. Only the *higher* degrees are required.

So like Jack I\'m not faxing in any addendums just yet. Dont want to cause any delays and will rather cross my fingers and sit it out. Thanks nagaprasad for your input.

BTW, Jack Bauer, I\'d like to wish you all the best tonight. It\'s been a loong day for you. Hope nina does not get you ! (24 fans will know what I\'m talking about !!)
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My p3 was sent on 5/15 with everything from 12th grade to masters degree included. I will do what you\'re planning. Hold on sending any addendums which might cause any delay in review.
Guys I hope my case is not screwed up due to the faxes ! Looks lie you guys did the right thing by h

I would have surely got RFE had i not sent the first fax as the item 20 for my wife did not have her place of stay in India. So I hope at least the first fax makes it to my file.

(The second one was sent as the operator aksed me to fax that one too for educational info.)

I will just wait from here on hoping that review is not delayed. My case was received on May 7.

Moulin Rougge, Shanks, Is it true that that the case goes back to the endd of queue again if we send a fax?
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Thanks Moulin.. I\'m gonna need every bit of luck of I can get. Stupid Kim !! How many times does she want to be kidnapped in 24 hrs ? I\'ve got half a mind to leave her with the Drazens..

Damn the Drazens.. Damn Sherry.. Damn Teri.. Nina was sooo much more fun.. And is the kid mine ?

LOL :)
proofs from educational institutions

Hi Guys,
I did Bsc for a 1 year before joining Engg. All i have from the Bsc college is bonafide & conduct certificates. Do I need to have marks sheet before i go to the interview. I seem to have either lost my Ist year marks sheet or have never received it.

I dont think so..

If you look at any process NVC does..this is what I found..
NVC normally would take the same amount of time for every person ( 99% of the cases).

If a person gets screwed up in process A , then NVC speeds up the following process so the average time remains the same.

And for reviews, once you cross the 3 week period after NVC gets ur packet from St.Louis..its due..and NVC would just look at the day when they received it.
So you should be fine..and wont be going back to square one.

This is what I feel personally..

P3 vs P4 with regards to HIgh School edu and the Consulate Interview

I have questions regarding the High School Edu block 23 in P3 DS-230 Part-I vs P4 DS230 Part-II and interview , since I feel interview is more important at that point once reviewed at NVC, once P3 is reveived at NVC they send it to the Consulate then
Q1)what does the Consulate review before sending the P4 and what is more critical for the interview since Educational Certs etcs are not one of the docs they ask for in the list, but are additional docs I guess.
Q2) Could they ask for any proof for DS230 Part-I to support all facts in all the sections including Edu from Elementary or High School level, but more fundamentally is it more critical at this point since we have gone through the whole process in Labor and I-140 before reaching this far to the interview.
Anybody has any coments on the review and the kind of RFE you get

In particular related to High School Edu