Urgent Question about DS 230 Part I - Wife is travelling after I enter US


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I have a question about DS/OF 230 Part I. Both forms have a question which says

1) Person(s) named in x & y who will accompany you to the United States now

2) Person(s) named in x & y who will follow you to the United States at a later date.

When I sent my P3, we had planned to come together and hence I put my wife\'s name in (1) and None in (2).

But now the plans have changed and she is coming 1 or 2 weeks after me. Does anything change? I mean, do I have to put her name now in (2) instead of (1)? Or is it that (2) is for "follow to join" cases?

Please post any replies you have as I am leaving in couple of days.

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I think you need to fill out that she will come at a later time.
Make sure you tell them that too. This way, you will get 2 IV packets and she will be able to enter US by herself.

You mean I should put her name in Question (2) of my post, right?

Do the consulate give one packet if we were to travel together? I thought they give two packets anyway?

Please let me know.

It makes no difference

They give you separate packets anyway, whether the spouse enters with you or enters at a later date. Also, you should write that your spouse will follow later, if that is the case. Even if you do write that the spouse will be entering with you and then change your mind, that\'s fine as well. Her packet will state that she can enter with you or after you. In my case, I had stated that my wife will be accompanying me, she was given a separate visa packet and on it she had the option of entering within 6 months of issue date, with me or after me.

Your spouse is \'accompanying\' you if both of you attend the interview
together. It doesn\'t matter if your spouse comes to US with you
or on a later date.

Your spouse should be mentioned in the \'follow you\' to the united states question only if you will be sending the packet 3 for your spouse later after your interview. In this case the interview for
your spouse will not be on the same day as yours.