Urgent please. Scheduled for an interview


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i have been scheduled for an interview in few days from today. I mailed my application to adjust status on 03/18/2011 and by 04/13 they want me to go for an interview. my concern is they never mailed me a notice for fingerprint. and the time frame from the filing date and a letter for the interview is less than 30 days. i am nervous about this since this is my second time applying for adjustment of status; and that was thru my exwife of which we failed the interview and denied!! on the case stats on their web it states that i have been scheduled for an interview with NATIONAL BENEFIT CENTER. please advice. thanks.
i have been scheduled for an interview in few days from today. I mailed my application to adjust status on 03/18/2011 and by 04/13 they want me to go for an interview. my concern is they never mailed me a notice for fingerprint. and the time frame from the filing date and a letter for the interview is less than 30 days. i am nervous about this since this is my second time applying for adjustment of status; and that was thru my exwife of which we failed the interview and denied!! on the case stats on their web it states that i have been scheduled for an interview with NATIONAL BENEFIT CENTER. please advice. thanks.

Few questions: What is your current uscis status? What was the basis of the denial for adjusment? Are you in removal proceedings?
thanks for the interest of giving help. I came as a student like five years ago!! i got married before and my wife (now devorced) petitioned for me. Unfortunately we got denied. the interview went well and we never got separated. But she had a record might be criminal and went to court before i married her and she was on probation. she never completed her probation as a result she had a warrant. Immediately after we finished the interview two sheriff (police officers) came and announced that they will have to arrest her for the violation of the probation. when i asked what she did and that was in the interview room they told me she once had a froud on something to do with food stamp. I didnt know about it. I couldnt do nothing!! In court they told me to pay $5000 for her to get out. After a month i received a mail from USCIS that i have been denied.
A year later I met my wife whom we live together . She petitioned from me on 3/18/11
on 3/23/11 they recieved the package. and on 4/13/11 i received an appointment letter. to fast!! no finger print no nothing.
Sorry, the interview is for both two: 1-30 and 1-485.
Please help with at least, a clue what i may face.
It sounds like you came in as a student 5 years ago. What is your current status??
Time line: When did you marry your first wife?
When did you file for AOS with your first wife?
When did you divorce her?
When did you marry your second wife? When did you file for AOS with your second wife?
The fact that your first wife was arrested for fraudulent activity does not reflect well on you. USCIS might be thinking.. "birds of a feather flock together?" I don't know. You need to consult with a competent immigration lawyer. You better have overwhelming evidence of Bona fide marriage since your case is a little complicated. Hey, you may be asked to bring forth evidence showing that your first marriage was bonafide as well.
What do you have as evidence of bona fide marriage? The more, the better... I hope your current wife does not have a history of criminal activity.
Do you have any criminal hx yourself?
Which country are you from? I hope its not a country associated with high fraud propability...
Good luck
i lost my status as a student long after i got in US. in 2006 got married. 2008 filed. 2009 got denied. 2010 divorced and married again the same year. and this year 3/18/11 my wife petitioned for me.
I do not have criminal record, so is my wife.
I have the following as evidence.
1) utilities from our last apartment in her names ( we now live in her mothers apartment after we lost our jobs)
2)lease in my name.
3)Bank statement. showing my direct deposit at that time when i had a job and my wife direct deposit too.
4)Car insurance with our names on it.
5)Life insurance from her job and i am the beneficiary
6)life insurance from me and she is the beneficiary
7)Affidavit fro her mother that we now stay with her and she was present in out wedding
8) affidavit from her cousin and she was there in our wedding...and she stated she hosted our wedding ceremony
9) Receipt of the furnitures we bought before we got married.
10)Pictures...before we got married and after. us alone and some with her family members on diffrent occasions.
xxxx To be honest a lawyer advised me not to file till two years pass!! but i could not wait since i need to work and help my wife so as we can get our own place.
@manalive, thanks. anyone with an idea.
You need to get a good lawyer onboard.
1. How long were you in school before you lost status?
2. Why did you lose status?
3. Did you marry after losing status? Or did you lose status right after marriage?

It sounds like you came in around 2006 as a student, lost your status, met a woman, fell in love, decided to get married and then married the same year.Then waited for two years to file for AOS.

Then you divorced in 2010, met another woman, fell in love, decided to get married and then got married the same year. Do you see where i'm going? That is why your lawyer told you to wait for 2yrs before filing for AOS. To spread out your timeline. USCIS may view you as a GC digger.

Evidence of bona fide marriage:
It sounds like both of you are currently out of work? right?
-Affidavits: Affidavits from family members serve you very weak evidence.
You need affidavits from reputable people.. like a church pastor, a family physician, and maybe neighbors. Everyone know that family member can do anything for their daughter or son in-law.
-Since both of you are not working, do your bank statements have any significant amount? Or any significant activity? Having a joint bank account with no money in it or no activity will hurt you.
-Do you own any major property together? Like a house, stocks/bonds or a car?
-Do you have any joint debt? e.g credit cards, car loans, mortgage, line of credit?
-Do you have any more financial connection other than the bank account? Like a bank CD? joint retirement account? Joint memberships (like gym)? basically things that show long term commitment?
When you guys were working, did you have mutual medical insurance? or do you have mutual medical insurance right now?
Please be well prepared. I know money is probably tight since both of you are not working right now. However, I believe your case needs undivided attention from a competent lawyer. Probably one that will be willing to accompany you to the interview.
If you have to borrow money, do it. You will easily pay it back one you are done dealing with USCIS. If you go to the interview ill prepared, UCSIC will skin you alive...
Be prepared to explain why you fell out of status and what you did to try to get back on status. Have a very good reason why you failed to complete your studies.
Do you believe in GOD? You need to pray and seek His intervention.
I wish you all the best. Gather your evidence, and consult a good lawyer.

Again, good luck...
You need to get a good lawyer onboard.
1. How long were you in school before you lost status?
2. Why did you lose status?
3. Did you marry after losing status? Or did you lose status right after marriage?

It sounds like you came in around 2006 as a student, lost your status, met a woman, fell in love, decided to get married and then married the same year.Then waited for two years to file for AOS.

Then you divorced in 2010, met another woman, fell in love, decided to get married and then got married the same year. Do you see where i'm going? That is why your lawyer told you to wait for 2yrs before filing for AOS. To spread out your timeline. USCIS may view you as a GC digger.

Evidence of bona fide marriage:
It sounds like both of you are currently out of work? right?
-Affidavits: Affidavits from family members serve you very weak evidence.
You need affidavits from reputable people.. like a church pastor, a family physician, and maybe neighbors. Everyone know that family member can do anything for their daughter or son in-law.
-Since both of you are not working, do your bank statements have any significant amount? Or any significant activity? Having a joint bank account with no money in it or no activity will hurt you.
-Do you own any major property together? Like a house, stocks/bonds or a car?
-Do you have any joint debt? e.g credit cards, car loans, mortgage, line of credit?
-Do you have any more financial connection other than the bank account? Like a bank CD? joint retirement account? Joint memberships (like gym)? basically things that show long term commitment?
When you guys were working, did you have mutual medical insurance? or do you have mutual medical insurance right now?
Please be well prepared. I know money is probably tight since both of you are not working right now. However, I believe your case needs undivided attention from a competent lawyer. Probably one that will be willing to accompany you to the interview.
If you have to borrow money, do it. You will easily pay it back one you are done dealing with USCIS. If you go to the interview ill prepared, UCSIC will skin you alive...
Be prepared to explain why you fell out of status and what you did to try to get back on status. Have a very good reason why you failed to complete your studies.
Do you believe in GOD? You need to pray and seek His intervention.
I wish you all the best. Gather your evidence, and consult a good lawyer.

Again, good luck...

Thank you manalive,
I married after losing my status, came 2004 got married 2005.
yes my wife works, and the insurance for health and life is from her job.gym membership. we do not have property other than the furnitures we bought together. the account has activities with both my card and hers.
Thank you manalive,
I married after losing my status, came 2004 got married 2005.
yes my wife works, and the insurance for health and life is from her job.gym membership. we do not have property other than the furnitures we bought together. the account has activities with both my card and hers.

Did you have your interview yet?
we got at New Orleans in time at around 8.45 and the interview was supposed to be 9.30. We were sworn in and the interview started. to my suprised it was long as i expected. Mostly my wife was answering the questions and giving out the paper work. He asked me the no/yes questions and then asked for my I-94. I told him that it was taken before at a USCIS office. But he said that was to make sure that if I entered US legally otherwise I wouldnt have been able to adjust. But since he saw my F1 visa its ok. He asked about kids if i have any. he never asked anything about my first marriage. My wife showed him some pictures and later said your file is different from others.`` you see its green, i will have to look at your last file from Houston then I will give a reply``. the he told me that he will get intouch with me and if there is anything he want i should reply within 30 days. in short that was it!!! He was nice and he even cracked some jokes with my wife..i couldnt lough cuz i was a lil nervous. to my wifes opinion it went well and we were never separated and didnt take more than 15 min. i need you opinions
we got at New Orleans in time at around 8.45 and the interview was supposed to be 9.30. We were sworn in and the interview started. to my suprised it was long as i expected. Mostly my wife was answering the questions and giving out the paper work. He asked me the no/yes questions and then asked for my I-94. I told him that it was taken before at a USCIS office. But he said that was to make sure that if I entered US legally otherwise I wouldnt have been able to adjust. But since he saw my F1 visa its ok. He asked about kids if i have any. he never asked anything about my first marriage. My wife showed him some pictures and later said your file is different from others.`` you see its green, i will have to look at your last file from Houston then I will give a reply``. the he told me that he will get intouch with me and if there is anything he want i should reply within 30 days. in short that was it!!! He was nice and he even cracked some jokes with my wife..i couldnt lough cuz i was a lil nervous. to my wifes opinion it went well and we were never separated and didnt take more than 15 min. i need you opinions

That was an easy one. I am glad. I hope you hear from them soon.
That was an easy one. I am glad. I hope you hear from them soon.

I dont think was that easy since he mentioned like my file color was green its defferent from others and that he needed to see my previous file before he could make a decision. Second I have to do finger print. The third thing he said was he might send us a mail asking for documents and we must reply within 30 days. if it was smooth he would have said after i do finger prints he would mail my card or something close to that.
I dont think was that easy since he mentioned like my file color was green its defferent from others and that he needed to see my previous file before he could make a decision. Second I have to do finger print. The third thing he said was he might send us a mail asking for documents and we must reply within 30 days. if it was smooth he would have said after i do finger prints he would mail my card or something close to that.

when is ur fingerprint appointment?