Urgent..please reply


Registered Users (C)
I need to travel to India, My H visa has expired and I will be travelling on AP. Do I need Transit visa to go via any European countries? How can I find more info on this?
Please reply ASAP.

1. Best source, your travel agent.
2. The transit country's embassy/consulate website.
3. Airline customer service.
Not Reqd

As for as i know you don't required unless rules have
changed recently. I travelled on December 2002 with
AP without a H visa. YOu don't need to have visa.

Best way is to call Local German Consulate office and tell
them your situation and find out. I you are in atlanta you
can call 404 659 4760 and findout, That's the number of
Atlanta German Consulate office.
I know that for London and Frankfurt you don't need a transit visa but i heard that you need one if you are passing thru Paris that is using Air France , but like Bajis said check with the Airline and they will tell you the right rule.

Have a safe trip.
Paris, France

I searched and found that someone posted on this board about the transit visa req for Paris, France. If you are travelling on AP, don't need a transit visa in Paris (provided that you are not going outside the airport). Despite this fact, Air France insisted that AP users need transit visas from France. Not sure if Delta is picky about it.


If someone who travelled recently via Paris, France, please post your experiences on transit visa. I am planning to travel to India in summer via Paris.
-According to my research, its safe to go via London.

some clarifications required on the following:
-What are the procedures when u use AP?
Do u have to fill the I-94?

-what documents are needed to be taken when using AP?

Thanks inadvance.