Urgent!!!Please help if case deny


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I changed the job according to AC21 rule, I485 filed at vermont on July 16 2001, then transferred to St.Pauls,MN on Apr 22 2002. since then we did n't receive any interview or letter from BCIS. Then I contacted thro Senete office, Understand that my case sent to Lincoln,NE on Mar27 2003. Now today I contacted with Nebraska service centre, they said that they mailed Notice of Action yesterday saying that it is an Intent of denail letter.

Please advise me what to do at this situation. If it is a denail letter, can I make a appeal? right now I don't have lawyer. Please give your comments, if you know anything about this kind.

Thanks in advance.
calm down first.

it is an intent not a denial. so they will give you chance to apeal. start doing your groundwork. you know your case best. no attorney on earth knows better than you.

try to asses in the mean time what can be the possible ground of denial and how can you clarify those things which can be possible ground for denial.

do you have your orginal application packet with you . if not ask those from your ex-attorney. he has no right to keep them if he is not representing you anymore.

after getting the notice . look into the application packet and contact a competent attorney and explain your situation.
Wait until you get the letter. Then talk to Attorney. Applealing by your self is not a good idea.

Attorney knows more whether you would win the appeal or not.

This is my sincere suggestion to you.

Best of luck.
you still have two chances

first of all, Notice of Intent to Deny is not an outright denial. it lays out all the reasons why they intend to deny your case, and gives you a chance to respond to each one of their reasons.

in case they still do not accept your resposes, and go ahead and deny, then you can appeal that decision in the Board of Immigration Appeals, where you get a second chance. at every stage, you are guaranteed your due process rights.

the key here is to find a VERY good attorney. do not worry about money, do not try to handle the response to their notice all by yourself. in case your old attorney still has your file, your new attorney can help in getting it from them.

please do post any other questions you might have, and i am sure that other participants in this forum will give you their best advice.

good luck!
Thanks for your encouraging postings

Thanks for your advises. Anyway I strictly followed the AC21 rule which is 180days. I never been out of status, Don't know why I am getting Notice of Intent to deny(NOID). I will let you know what is the reason, once I receive that notice. Thank you all. Mean while please Help me in finding good Lawyer.
One question: Do you know anything about your I-140. Some companies to give trouble to an ex-employee (not to avail AC-21), withdraw I-140. What is your I-140 status now. Please post the info.

Also, in the recent past there was a lot of information posted on www.murthy.com regarding AC-21. Have a close look at those too. Think and act cooly. Good luck to you....
Got NOID here are details

Today I received NOID . Stating according to "Pursuant to Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 103.2(b)(16).

They are asking to provide the following info: "If New employer has filed an I-140 on your behalf, submit the related I-797 receipt notice and/or I-797 approval notice."

The petition may be denied based upon the above info

1. what is title 8 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 103.2(b)(16).

2. Why they are asking me new employer's I-140 and I-797 notices, when I changed the job using AC21 rule, is it necessary to apply thro new employer for I-140?.

3.I think I need to go for AC21 specialist lawyer. Please suggest me a good lawyer.

Please comment and advise if you have anything.
What is different in your case compared to other AC21 cases which have got approvals quite easily...

there might be a red flag somewhere in your case for them to issue such a notice...

please let us know the outcome...

I think Sheila murthy seems to be a good lawyer to try for such a situation
Check your I-140 status

Can you check your I-140 status filed by your old employer. If it was not cancelled, I think you will be in good position to use AC-21 rule. Some companies to give trouble to an ex-employee, withdraw I-140. Please post the info.

Pursuant to Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 103.2(b)(16).


Sec. 103.2 Applications, petitions, and other documents.
(b) Evidence and processing.
(16) Inspection of evidence. An applicant or petitioner shall be permitted to inspect the record of proceeding which constitutes the basis for the decision, except as provided in the following paragraphs.

(i) Derogatory information unknown to petitioner or applicant. If the decision will be adverse to the applicant or petitioner and is based on derogatory information considered by the Service and of which the applicant or petitioner is unaware, he/she shall be advised of this fact and offered an opportunity to rebut the information and present information in his/her own behalf before the decision is rendered, except as provided in paragraphs (b)(16)(ii), (iii), and (iv) of this section. Any explanation, rebuttal, or information presented by or in behalf of the applicant or petitioner shall be included in the record of proceeding.

(ii) Determination of statutory eligibility. A determination of statutory eligibility shall be based only on information contained in the record of proceeding which is disclosed to the applicant or petitioner, except as provided in paragraph (b)(16)(iv) of this section.

(iii) Discretionary determination. Where an application may be granted or denied in the exercise of discretion, the decision to exercise discretion favorably or unfavorably may be based in whole or in part on classified information not contained in the record and not made available to the applicant, provided the regional commissioner has determined that such information is relevant and is classified under Executive Order No. 12356 (47 FR 14874; April 6, 1982) as requiring protection from unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security.

(iv) Classified information. An applicant or petitioner shall not be provided any information contained in the record or outside the record which is classified under Executive Order No. 12356 (47 FR 14874; April 6, 1982) as requiring protection from unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security, unless the classifying authority has agreed in writing to such disclosure. Whenever he/she believes he/she can do so consistently with safeguarding both the information and its source, the regional commissioner should direct that the applicant or petitioner be given notice of the general nature of the information and an opportunity to offer opposing evidence. The regional commissioner's authorization to use such classified information shall be made a part of the record. A decision based in whole or in part on such classified information shall state that the information is material to the decision.
Thanks for your advises

I spoke with My Old employer whether they withdraw my I-140. They said no. Only thing happend is Old company lawyer who filed my GC, She wrote a letter to INS that he is no more employ of the company, and future correspondence will be done with the applicant only. She sent this letter after I changed the employer.

Any comments.
Hi Killer,

Did you get any RFE? Did you inform either VSC or NSC that you changed the job based on AC21 clause either volunterily or for an RFE? Did you move to the city under NSC for the new job based on AC21? When did you change the job, after transferred to local INS or before transfer ?

My suspicion is INS may not know that you are using AC21. Since the old employer wrote that you are no longer working for them, INS may think that you do not have any job to support the GC and this logic might have triggered the NOID. Please let me know.

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i think i agree with SameerN's assessment: the reason they are asking you for evidence of your new employer's i140 is that they are either unaware or have not been properly notified that you are changing jobs under the AC-21 portability law.

since the only thing they received regarding your case was you old lawyer's letter, which told them only one thing that you are no longer employed by your sponsoring employer, this is triggering the Title 8 CFR Part 103.2(b)(16) inquiry for them for your continued eligibility for employment-based adjustment of status. so, in their world, they either need a new i140, or notification that you had changed jobs under AC-21 protection.

as everyone else has said, get a good lawyer to argue your case with BCIS. the two lawyers who have posted a lot of info on their websites are sheela murthy (www.murthy.com) and carl shusterman (www.shusterman.com). also you could use the American Immigration Lawyers Association's (AILA) referral service which will refer you to a lawyer specializing in the particular area that you require; their website is www.aila.org

i think this complication in your case is a result of documentation issues, and can be addressed by proper documentation backed up by competent legal representation; so don't lose hope!

keep us informed, and post any more questions that you may have. we all wish you the best of luck!
Originally posted by SameerN
Hi Killer,

Did you get any RFE? Did you inform either VSC or NSC that you changed the job based on AC21 clause either volunterily or for an RFE? Did you move to the city under NSC for the new job based on AC21? When did you change the job, after transferred to local INS or before transfer ?

My suspicion is INS may not know that you are using AC21. Since the old employer wrote that you are no longer working for them, INS may think that you do not have any job to support the GC and this logic might have triggered the NOID. Please let me know.


Hi SameerN,

Thanks for your advise, NO I didn't get any RFE, I never inform to INS by written. I never moved to any where for the new job, I took permanent position with the client where I was working as a contractor earlier thro old company. No address change. The reason I applied GC for vermont is my old company is in NJ, being I am working in LINCOLN,NE region the case transferred to St.pauls MN and then moved to LINCOLN. I changed the JOB on Apr 22 2002, Case transferred to MN on Apr 26 2002. I am also thinking same like you, May be INS doesn't know that I chaged the job by using AC21. Please give your comments.
Hi Pork Chop,

Thanks for your comments. I am thinking the way you are thinking. I am taking appointments to talk with Lawyer you said. I will finalise one by two days. I am concern with the notice is, BCIS asked me to reply within 30days, to get that notice in mail 5 days already gone, today I left with 25 days, Do you think these lawyers will act fast. Any way I will update the things as going.
As other's have already mentioned the notice you got is just an intent and not a denial. So, cool down, get your act together and follow the legal course.

I think it is just a matter of providing them with enough documentation and evidence that you used the AC21 portability benefits.

I suggest Sheela Murthy(www.murthy.com) for you. I know personally of two very complicated cases which she handled very well and I heard that she takes time to understand every facet of the case and address appropriately.

Good luck bud, God bless. Keep us posted.
Hi Killer,

I also used AC21 and joined client after 1 year from I485 RD. Got RFE from NSC in Jan 2003 and replied 2 months before and still waiting for approval. My attorney and me suspect that previous employer might do some harm, even though I140 is still active.
My attoreny is confident that he can use political pressure from AILA if required or if ex-employer tries to do any harm.

Since your case is also 100% legal, ask your future attoreney whether he can do something extra if necessary such as put political pressure from AILA or put senator's pressure from your employer. I think your present employer also should help you by providing some strong letter stating that you are very valuable resource in the company. You need a attorney who does something extra if required, not just what is needed. Also make sure your attoreny is very knowledgeble in AC21 and confident as well.

Good luck..
Hi guys

Today I finalised Shella Murthy as my lawyer, She gave me lot of hope. She was very angry with BCIS why don't they read rules before sending this kind of notices. I should wait and see what will happen to my case. I will keep on update you guys.
