URGENT::Please HELP::Boston area Lawyers


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I am looking to hire a law firm to represent me in 485 related matters. The lawyer should be in the greater Boston area.

  Please post your recommendations.

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immigration attorney Peter Allen is good...However, when I last heard, he was not taking on new clients
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Long time ago, I used Gary Pappas (North end I think) for my H-1. He was quite cool. Now, my company has its own lawyers based in California (my company headquarters). Gary Pappas came recommended by the my company folks, just before I joined the company.

Good luck
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If you want to go GARY PAPPAS.
Make the deal before starting something.
If it is start of GC process,
 they wont do anywork initially for 4 or 5 months.

485 applications, they do nice job. But You have to ask them for
surity that they are going to file with in X days of time.
This firm will start asking more (minimum of $500) for each query or answer they replied to INS.

The thing is you will be assigned to a paralegal there.They will make fun of you.
But Gary is a good guy but expensive.
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SmartFace. It was interesting to read your post. I had done it so long ago that I had forgotten about it. You are right. You need to make certain things clear with them. Good points.

Actually, I had sort of fallen out of status with a screw up with my Practical Training 6.5 years ago. (Hope it doesn\'t come back to bite me again in my 485). So, I was in no position to alienate my counsel. I just put up with things. But he did mine in a decent time. Charged me a bundle, though. I later found out that I could\'ve done it for $500 - $1000 less.
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Try Kevin Fitzgerald of
Foley, Hoag and Eliot
One Post Office Square
Boston, MA
(617) 832-1000

He\'s my corp immigration lawyer. I don\'t know what are his charges, you can talk to him and find out.