Urgent interim EAD question- please help


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My present EAD is expiring on 18 th January. I need interim EAD to continue my work.
Does Denver local INS issue EAD in one day?
I do not know if Denver local office would issue interim EAD, but I guess they should. You should have applied for EAD 90 days before going to local office for interim EAD.

Yes, Denver INS office issue Interim EAD in case you have passed 90 days of application through Nebraska Service Center and haven't received EAD from them.
Did you apply for a new EAD card?
If yes? Was that at least 90 days ago?
If yes? The will give you an interim one.

If not it is hard but if you take a letter from your employer that has your supervisor's contact and explain in the letter that you could be terminated if not getting the interim EAD. Also insist to meet the officer and show the letter to every one who might want to cick you out in the front door. They might contact your employer to check the situation.

If they agreed they will take a snap for you and issue it on the same day.

Good luck