Urgent Help on Being Laid off, Please!!

My suggestion---

Try what info_1 suggests. Get ready for all the documents you might need and go to the local INS tomorrow, since both info_1 and your lawyer say you could. Then why dont you try?? If it would not work then you have to turn to VSC.
Careful move

Heidi, I\'d like to take your suggestion, but I\'d prefer to have it confirmed before I go ahead. I don\'t want to leave a bad record at the Boston office. That will mess things up.

Take ur postal receipt and apply for an EAD and AP in person. Tell them that you have to leave the country for emergency reasons. If u take an AP since u don\'t have the receipt, you have to take EAD so u can work again (that\'s what u tell them)

Regarding status you are ok. 485 filer has a pending status.

Now regarding ur case, just get a job with your EAD and continue working. They will ask pay stubs after 5-6 months (when they get to ur case). Then you can provide them from your new employer and a letter from your old employer that they would be willing to offer u a job in the near future provided things changed.

You should be ok. Don\'t worry a whole let. Just get some things that u need to get ASAP (EAD).
No Title

i think all suggestions are excellent.
that\'s probably all you want to know.
i recently went throu the same ordeal.
so if you want to talk more about
the issue - you can email me

 Best! -samada
Getting EAD using postal receipt, I guess it is new law or implementation

I read some post on the portal last month who got EAD for him and his wife using postal confirmation receipt. I also confirmed from lawyer. Hope that helps.