urgent help..n14 asked for tax returns for 2001-2005..cant find for1year


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guys need your help..i am asked to submit tax returns for 2001 to 2005. I have filed returns for all years and I have copies of all the years state and federal except for 2005 MI state tax..I have the federal but unable to locate state of MI tax..any idea where I can get? I called IRS..they only have 7 years old return..until 2006..
any ideas?
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If your eally don't have it , just explain to USCIS you do not have it and can not re-create it and also
tell USCIS that IRS only keep record for 7 years.

By the way, why did USCIS ask for tax return of those years?
Did they directly ask for both state and Federal taxes, or are you assuming they want both? Usually when they want to see tax returns/transcripts, they only care about Federal.

I'll also ask about why they want tax returns from so long ago? That could be valuable information for those of us who have been living in the US for more than 10 years.
If your eally don't have it , just explain to USCIS you do not have it and can not re-create it and also
tell USCIS that IRS only keep record for 7 years.

By the way, why did USCIS ask for tax return of those years?

my case is :
GC process filed in 2002 (was working for that company since 2000)
Got EAD July 2003
Moved to different company in 2004 (after 9 months..GC still pending when I moved)
Interviewer asked about case details..since filing of labor in 2002 to GC approval in 2007..said they will need to review case.

Then got N14 asking for 2001-2005 tax returns.

Made an appointment with immigration attorney..explained my case and the attorney said..you can go crazy over thinking why USCIS asks things they ask for..and advised to send what they asked and wait for response and said 3 things could happen
1) Oath
2) Call again for Q&A (Attorney can come with me for this)
3) Deny N400 (Attorney can file an appeal if this happens)
Did they directly ask for both state and Federal taxes, or are you assuming they want both? Usually when they want to see tax returns/transcripts, they only care about Federal.

I'll also ask about why they want tax returns from so long ago? That could be valuable information for those of us who have been living in the US for more than 10 years.

The letter just said tax returns, W2s and schedules (like 1099 etc) used in return..

I called up MI treasurey department .. anything since 2008 they have copies and can send.
Anything before that is not guaranteed..but they said they can try..so I opened a request to send me copies for 2005.
They said it can take up to 30 days...since I have to reply before that..I have decided to just send federal taxes...

I ran the copies of taxes, W2s and 1099 that I am going to send to USCIS by the attorney...got approval from attorney..
I have 3 weeks to send response..I am planning to keep looking for the missing state return for a week..and if I can't find..I will just send the federal.
They didn't ask for state returns, so don't bother to wait for the old state returns. For N-400 they almost never care about state returns, and if they care they'll specifically ask for them. Send the Federal ones and that should be enough.

But this case is really strange ... you got your GC in 2007, but they want tax returns from 2001-2005??!!!
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But this case is really strange ... you got your GC in 2007, but they want tax returns from 2001-2005??!!!

Guess that they wan to check validity of his pre-GC status. If citizenship is turned down because of invalidity of GC aquisition and pre-GC status, then what is at risk is not only citizenship application
USCIS does NOT ask for State or City tax returns; rather they care only for Federal tax returns. Secondly, if you call IRS then most of the representatives would tell you that they can provide the tax returns only for the last 3 years but actually when they say this that it means that they can not provide you IN ONE TIME more than 3 years returns. That's why you have to call them again and speak with another representative to ask for the tax returns for the particular year without letting the representative known that you called before and requested other years' record as well. You would need to keep calling them until they send you the returns that you are looking for. They can fax you as well. And you may choose to visit your local IRS office as well given the short time left for you to send those to USCIS. And if somehow you don't get then write a notarized affidavit to USCIS explaining that either you need a more time to collect the required documents or why you are unable to submit the required document. I'm sure you will be able to collect these documents. It's not a big deal. Good luck...
Guess that they wan to check validity of his pre-GC status. If citizenship is turned down because of invalidity of GC aquisition and pre-GC status, then what is at risk is not only citizenship application

Yep, I agree. I talked about it to the attorney, attorney agreed they have seen cases to revoke GC. I am fine with it..I just need time to wrap up things in US.
Attorney mentioned that as a resident I have some rights, I can file an appeal...and the whole process could take up to 2-3 years...i just need 6 months to wrap up.
Yep, I agree. I talked about it to the attorney, attorney agreed they have seen cases to revoke GC. I am fine with it..I just need time to wrap up things in US.
Attorney mentioned that as a resident I have some rights, I can file an appeal...and the whole process could take up to 2-3 years...i just need 6 months to wrap up.

The severity of consequence of GC revocation can be different for different people. For some it is serious. Ties with home country
is not there any more and going to home country is like going to a strange land. Chidlren can have a hard time adjusting.
But for some it may not be a big deal and people take it quite well. You sound you are ready for that.

Good luck. I think you know what is the best for you
Couple of tax year forms are soft copies. They are not signed, should I sign and date them before sending?
Since yours is an employment based GC, interviewer might like to see how long you worked with petitioning employer after filing I-485, since you moved after filing, probably he wants to you substantiate through W2's what you claim. I think you are covered under AC21 provisions if you moved to new employer 180 days after filing I-485
I think you are covered under AC21 provisions if you moved to new employer 180 days after filing I-485

AC21 only covered those who left sponsor for another enployer 180 days after filing I485 BUT BEFORE getting the greencard.

Consider this scenario:

If Person A and Person B both work for their common employer and filed I485 on Jan 1, 2007, Person A left the company for another on July 1, 2007 and person B stick with the company. Then both got the green card on July 2,2007 and then Person B left company
on July 3rd.

A is convered by AC21, but B is not even though A bakc stab the sponor one day early
AC21 only covered those who left sponsor for another enployer 180 days after filing I485 BUT BEFORE getting the greencard.

My case is person A . I left after 180 days after I485 and before GC approval.

What do you think about the tax copies? I have soft copies that are not signed or dated, should I sign and date before sending?
My case is person A . I left after 180 days after I485 and before GC approval.

What do you think about the tax copies? I have soft copies that are not signed or dated, should I sign and date before sending?

I think it does not matter.
I think it does not matter.

Case finally approves and in oath queue. First was asked for tax documents. I sent 1040 documents. Then after 4 months I was asked for tax documents but from certified IRS and all the states department tax filing documents.
It took a while but I was able to get certified tax documents from 2000 from both IRS and state. IRS says they can only go 7 years back but you can call customer support and request for older years. Submit the same form 4506 and they sent me tax documents from 2000.
Same for state tax. I called up each state and some states had forms similar to 4506 for previous year tax documents and for some states I had to send free form request letter and I got tax documents from all except 1 state. But that state gave me a letter stating that I did file taxes for that year and they are unable to go back to find transcripts.
USICS first gave 1 month to send all documents. I wrote back asking for more time and finally sent all documents in three months

Then after few months I was asked to do biometrics again and case finally moved to oath queue last week.