Urgent help is needed. thank you


New Member
Hi, thank you for taking a look and hopefully you can answer some of my doubts.

I have been married to an abusive american husband for the past six years. He has been verbally, emotionally and physically abused my child and me for all these years. Particularly, he threatens to terminated my and my child's green card if any of his demand or request is unmet or if i decide to file for my own taxation documents. And if anything is done or carried out against his will, he will abuse my child and me.

I would like to know if I decide to report his unspeakable acts and double face character to the relevant authority or agency, will my child's and mine greencard be terminated upon his request to the USCIS? My greencard is currently on overseas hold after submitting a petition to remove the conditional status 3years ago, as i have been accompanying him overseas as requested by his work location. My child has received his greencard under the stepparent adoption option.

I am more concerned about whether my abusive husband has any jurisdiction over my child's greencard as he threatens to terminate his card so to prevent my son from going to Northwestern University this fall for his undergraduate studies.

Thank you so much for any useful and valuable help, my heartfelt gratitude to you.

Sincerely yours,
The National Domestic Violence Hotline is available 24/7, call it.
and if you have a safe computer go to this website, that has a list of Hotlines by state as well as many resources.
Call and explain your situation, they will get you help, IMHO you are in far more danger from your husband than you are from the US govt, there are provisions for immigrants & green card holders to protect them from domestic violence & abusive situations.
You can also do a google search for free legal aid.
Good luck and don't be afraid, all you have to do it call and someone will help you and your son.
What i don't understand is why didn't you applied for citizenship after 3 years of receiving your green card? By now you would have been a citizen and also your child and you could have walked away anytime...

Anyhow I am really sorry for you situation , I hope you will find a solution soon...
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