Urgent Help- Application mistake


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,

I have mistakenly checked NO for Offenses in Section 10 of N-400, I had a traffic ticket 2.5 yrs ago and my wife had 3 in total. What can I do to correct it? Any help is appreciated. We are done with finger printing and expecting an interview in a month or so. We live in NH.


In my opinion, do this: After you get Interview Letter, but before the Interview, send a Certified Mail to USCIS telling them the Traffic Violations of the Applicant.

It is important to do this before the Interview to aviod moral character issue. You must also send the letter to the address where your interview will be held, as your file will probably be physically at that location.

Then in the Interview, take all Originals, receipts of payments and proof of the above letter being mailed.
Can any one else tell, what is the best way?

Is it better to call and find out from the USCIS about the mistake I did about traffic tickets?

Disclosing Traffic tickets has always been a debatable issue on this forum. I would not sweat on answering No to the question if none of the tickets were >$500 or DUI related. I don't think you need to do anything right now. Collect your ticket details along with the proof of payment for all the tickets in question and take them to the interview. When the officer asks (and they always do) if you have anything else to declare, mention about your traffic tickets. 70% of the time (depending upon the officer) s/he will just move on if they are not DUI or > $500. There have been cases where they have reviewed the payment information more closely, retained them with the file and then moved on.. Do not worry right now, just collect documents/payment receipts/court depositions that you paid them.
During the interview the IO will ask you if you ever have been arrested.A traffic ticket is not an arrest.I had many tickets during the many years that I had my GC(All were paid).When I applied for citizenship I answered NO to that question.During my interview the IO asked me that question,my answer was NO without any problem........Don't worry...Good luck.
My advice:

Bring whatever you would bring to the interview had you disclosed the tickets. When the IO gets to the "citation" section, you can do one of two things:

  1. Don't say anything, if the IO brings it up, say "oh, I didn't realize that I had to put them there, but a friend suggested I bring this stuff" and show him your list of tickets, your dispositions, etc., or
  2. Say, "After I submitted my application a friend told me that I should have declared my traffic tickets. Sorry, I didn't do that on the N-400, here is a list of tickets"

It's really up to you - depending on how comfortable you feel. No one seems to agree about whether <$500 non-DUI tickets should be listed, so it is reasonable to not list them. However, it is also reasonable to go into the interview prepared for just about anything.

Good luck, don't worry.
What does it mean by ticket for > 500, what you paid or what you got?

The reason I am asking for it is, I got a ticket for 540, doubled for being in work zon, I went to the court and requested for lowering it as it was my first and only ticket, magistrate clerk asked me to pay $100 and I paid, I do not have receipt for it, what shall I do?

How do I get the receipts for out of state tickets, my wife got a ticket in NJ and I got one in MA, we are NH residents.
Yep as others have said don't worry about it. The IO is only interested in cases that were over $500 and/or DUI or arrests. Many of us had lots of tickets and didn't need to document them. The IO will ask you as mentioned if you've been to court. Even if you have (like me) for a traffic fine, since it wasn't a DUI or over $500, he didn't care about it. So unless you're one of the rarer ones who has some red flags in your application, they won't care about a traffic ticket at all...
How do I get the receipts for out of state tickets, my wife got a ticket in NJ and I got one in MA, we are NH residents.

Generally you have to apply directly to the clerk of the court for the district in which the offense occurred.
Thanks guys for your support and advice. I have to work on getting them ASAP as NH is really fast.
I know a person who applied in March 1st week and interviewing next week!
What kind of driving ticket?

Unless it was a DUI, you in Jail......do not worry.

You will go thru all N-400 at the interview and then you can tell them if they ask.

You will be fine!!
is this a problem?


I mentioned my 2 traffic tickets (simple speeding and non DUI/no arrests).
answered q 16, 17, 18 as yes.
(I got court transcripts for both tickets..)I have one parking ticket but did not mention it..

should I have answered 17 as a NO?(I answered it yes because I thought by ticket I am charged with commiting traffic offense).
I read somewhere on forum that I should have not answered yes to 17..only yes to 16 and no to 17 and 18.

I am confused now as to is it a big deal..or having court dispositions/transcripts would suffice.

Thanks in advance
When I applied I talked to 1800 # of USCIS and they said traffic tickets is not considered an offense. You can call them and verify.
It's no big deal if you don't list them. It certainly isin't required. I didn't list mine. When the IO asked about "ever cited, crime, jail, etc?" I asked if traffic tickets count and she told me that unless it's a DUI or over a fine of $500, no.

So I said no and that was that.
In my opinion, do this: After you get Interview Letter, but before the Interview, send a Certified Mail to USCIS telling them the Traffic Violations of the Applicant.

It is important to do this before the Interview to aviod moral character issue. You must also send the letter to the address where your interview will be held, as your file will probably be physically at that location.

Then in the Interview, take all Originals, receipts of payments and proof of the above letter being mailed.
Follow Flydog's advice. Do not send any more correspondence to USCIS. It will only delay things. During interview do as Flydog says.
Right, if you are worried about them thinking that you are hiding something (and that your "moral character" is somehow corrupt as a result), bring the issue up proactively (before the IO gets to that section).
Done with interview!

:D :) Guys,
Here is what happened today at my interview.
After she came to the section 10, she asked me, if I had been to court for any reason, I said yes for a traffic vilolation and showed my driving record, in which it said about my court appearance detail. She saw that and asked me if I paid, I said yes and that's all she approved my case.
Thanks a lot for your advice. I would suggest to any one to list all the tickets and be honest. In my case, I did not know, I had to do that!.

I will post one more,when I take oath mostly in August.

Best of luck

Manchester, NH
priority date: March 22, 07
FP: April 17th, 2007
Interview: May 31, 2007.
Oath: waiting...