Urgent - Earlier FP is Good/Bad – Please help


Registered Users (C)
Dear friends,

I got my FP notice on 02/27/02 (too late). FP is scheduled on 2nd week of April (4/9/02).My RD is 7/6/01. I am in CA (Bay area).

My questions are…

1. Are there any advantages? If I go for earlier FP (OR) the earlier FP will trigger for the RFE or File transfer to local INS.

2. Will the INS accept early FP without any valid reasons? (OR) Will the INS ask the reason or some proof for taking FP earlier? (Can I convince the INS by saying I am going to meet my friend who lives in East Coast without showing any Air ticket).

Please share your Good or Bad experiences. I am not going to worry if early FP is not giving any advantages but it should not create any further delay in my normal GC process. Please advise.

Thanks in advance.

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I don\'t think earlier FP will trigger an RFE. Although you are in CA I presume you have filed at VSC. In your case it might be a good idea to try for earlier FP since your RD is 7/6 and VSC is on the brink of starting July approvals. However, don\'t use any BS as you have mentioned with INS as this can land you in trouble. Just my opinion.
I think earlier FP is not an issue

I believe that getting FP earlier should not create any issues by itself. I went to San Francisco ASC for my FP. My FP experience was quick and no questions were asked. The person at the ASC did not even check my appointment date.

My AVM was updated a week after FP to "your FP were received on .. and processed has been resumed"

RD 9/15 ND 11/10.