Urgent CP question: Gurus Please help


Registered Users (C)
Here is my scenario. I have my I 140 approved and my attorney has my packet 3. I plan to go to India at the end of the month on a short trip for my engagement and also plan on doing a register marriage. I intend to file for my cp (Packet 3) upon my return and 2 months down the line go back for a ceremonial marriage.

My questions are

1. Would I be able to add my Spouse\'s application along with mine when I send in the packet 3 to the consulate (Based on the marriage certificate), even though she would have never been to the U.S? That way she could attend the interview with me.

2. If that is not possible => I have heard that you can still include your spouse before the CP interview. In that case would my wife be able to attend the interview with me or would she have to file a separate application, resulting in her having to wait another 2-3 months for her interview?

3. In case my cp interview gets scheduled before my ceremonial marriage, will my registered marriage certificate be sufficient? Will there be any problems/questions in the interview?

All responses will be much appreciated.

No Title

Here is wat I suggest..
Option 1
     You can add your spouse name based on theregister marriage, all
that you need for your spouse to attend the interview is the
marriage certificate, and she can attend the interview with you.
The consulate will not be bothered abt the ceremonial wedding
technically you are married the day the register marriage is
done, please take pictures of that and you can get affidavit
from ppl who have attened your wedding as witness..

Option 2
   If you not comfortable going to the consulate without the
actual wedding, then fit in your actual wedding schedule within that
time frame.

   Either way you should be fine..
Hope this helps and good luck
Registered marriage is your official marriage

and will work for the Consulate. Get your wife\'s name on the P3 and she will get interveiw sceduled with you.
Good luck
Thanks to all for the info. One more question gurus.

Thanks for the info. You guys have been of great help. I have one more question and I need the expertise of the gurus again.

I had been planning to get my marriage registered, get the marriage certificate, apply for the CP and go back for cerimonial marriage and CP interview 2 months down the line. However I heard that recently the cp process has changed. Now an Instruction Package (formerly packet 3) has to be sent for preliminary review to St Louis, which will review it and forward to NVC, which inturn sends it to the consulate. This can add up another 4-6 weeks to the cp process. Does this mean that it takes 4-6 months for the interview after the Instruction Package (formerly packet 3) has been mailed to the Pre-scanning center?

Please help
