Urgent! CP in Dhaka, please Advice!

Security check

No they have thier own database they will check rightaway at the time of an interview
No Title

Did they return u the passport rightaway?

What is telephone number for US Embassy in Islamabad?

How do u find the list of doctors for Medical in Pakistan?
No Title

No they will return it in the afternoon with the immigrant visa.
US Embassy in Islamabad has its web site i don\'t have it rightnow but you can search it.
Medical doctors info is in packet3.5.

Me and my friend came to newyork as port of entry on 9th of jan and got Green card on 22nd of jan2002.

Joe and minn2deshi,
Have you received CP interview date yet ?

I\'m also planning for CP process in the near future.

What happened to RAZAbangla ? Does anybody know.........
CP Approved in Dhaka.

I got my CP approved on the 13th of February,2002 from the Dhaka US Embassy. Was asked a lots of questions but the whole interview went smooth. The interview lasted for about 8 minutes for me and my wife.I came back last night via Chicago Port of entry and the Immigration Officers were helpful enough to stamp my passport. Any question is welcome.

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Biman bhai,


I\'m also up for the CP in the near future.
Could you let me know how long it took for your I-140 and get CP interview date?
How about Police clearance or FBI check?
Did they ask you for any additional papers (not in the checklist)?
Please share us some experiences. Thanks
485 to CP

Is it possible to go for CP while I-140/Labor Certificate was filed for 485. I think CP is faster in Islamabad as compare to go for 485.