Urgent!! Citizenship test and oath


New Member
Hello all,

I'd like to thank you first for this useful forum. Concerning my case I am a landed immigrant in Canada since February 25, 2003 and I’ve been living in Canada for around four years, during that period I traveled outside Canada twice and the total days of being outside the country was exactly 25 days.

Now I am thinking seriously of applying for the citizenship, and as you see I stay in Canada (Ottawa) more than the required number of days which is (1095 days).and I pay taxes since I have a small business.

Please adviser elated to the following questions:

1- A friend told me that I have to show all of my passports including the expired ones to the immigration employee before I get in to have the citizenship test. The problem is that I don’t have the expired ones since no body told me that I have to keep them so I don’t know where they are. Is what my friend said right and what can I do?

2- I will apply for citizenship on January, 2007 so when can I expect the citizenship test and the oath and is there a way to have both (test and oath) in the same day.

3- What kind of documents that may be requested during this step( applying for the citizenship and getting the test and oath ).

I really appreciate your advices and thanks in advance

1- A friend told me that I have to show all of my passports including the expired ones to the immigration employee before I get in to have the citizenship test. The problem is that I don’t have the expired ones since no body told me that I have to keep them so I don’t know where they are. Is what my friend said right and what can I do?

-- What your friend said is not right (not necessarily). If your case is very clear (about the 1095 days presence in Canada), they do not ask for anything. They ask for your current passport though, as an ID when you go for the test/oath. If they suspect anything from the stamps in your current passport or if your current passport is very new (about a week old or so), they might ask for the previous one.

2- I will apply for citizenship on January, 2007 so when can I expect the citizenship test and the oath and is there a way to have both (test and oath) in the same day.

-- Normally, oath is after the test (after 6 to 8 weeks max). I have heard on this forum about having the oath and the test on the same day, but I do not know how to request it and whether it is guaranteed.

3- What kind of documents that may be requested during this step( applying for the citizenship and getting the test and oath ).

-- Go to cic.gc.ca - you will find the citizenship application kit there which has a list of documents required to apply for the cdn citizenship.
I naturalised in Canada in 2000. When I took my citizenship test, I was asked only for my current passport and after a cursory look, it was returned back to me. I applied on the 3rd anniversary of my landing date and I had 72 days of absense from Canada in those three years. My naturalisation process took 8 months to run its course. My US naturalisation took 4 months. Amazing in my view :)
Many Thanks for the prompt replay …..
After doing the test, do you get the result at the same day or when? And how?

And could you please give information concerning the process of the Finger print?
After doing the test, do you get the result at the same day or when? And how?

You do not get the test results on the same day. After about 4 weeks or so, they inform you about the citizenship oath - that means you have passed the test. Otherwise if they inform you about the interview with the judge, that means (most probably) you have failed the test.

And could you please give information concerning the process of the Finger print?

-- They inform you about the fingerprints requirements and you go to the RCMP office to give your fingerprints...