urgent..can we submit scanned affidavits??please advise


Registered Users (C)
I got queries for my birth certifcate.So my parents have sent scanned documents(affidavits,non-availability certificate) to me through e-mail.Can i take the print-outs and sent to the INS.Is it allowed.Or do I need to send INS only the copies of the original.Please advise...
Thanks in advance.
I would recommend only the originals.
Affidavit is valid only when it is notarized. Photocopies of notarized documents are not notarized anymore.
INS is not approving any cases now anyway. Get the documents couriered to you and send the originals to the INS.
I got this advice from my attorney when I responded to my BC RFE.
I sent the fotos copies whihc were notarized .I dont know how it works.This is not for RFE but when actually applied the 485.