URGENT!! AP-Wierd Situation--Please Help


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Hi All:

My wife's AP was approved on April 06, earlier this year, but the documents never reached us. After a long hunt with USCIS , it was declared that the documents were "lost in mail" and my attny reapplied for a new AP again.

The new AP is now approved but we haven't received the documents in hand yet. But wierdly, my attny discovered that the AP which was considered "Lost In Mail" was sitting at his office all these days and sent it to us yesterday.

So, now, we have the old AP which is valid till April 2007 but considered "Lost IN Mail" as its status and a new AP which is approved but not in our hands yet.

My question is,

a) Is it safe for my wife to use this old AP to make a trip overseas ? (It says its valid till Aptril 07).. or since we have a newer AP filed and also approved, is this AP we have in our hands now considered invalid by USCIS??

b) I am the primary applicant but I wont be travelling with her overseas. Any potential issues heads up to know before making the trip using the AP (ofcourse, in case the answer (a) is possitive)?

We have to confirm her tickets by today since she has to make the trip next week. Will greatly appreceate a sppedy response to this

Souraj said:
Hi All:
a) Is it safe for my wife to use this old AP to make a trip overseas ? (It says its valid till Aptril 07).. or since we have a newer AP filed and also approved, is this AP we have in our hands now considered invalid by USCIS??

She must plan her trip based on the new one, which means that she has to travel (leave and reenter) within the Start (Approval) Date and Valid Till Date. Unless you think the second document will also be lost, she can still go and you can mail one of the 3 copies.

Frankly I dont know if the old (lost) one will be valid or not, not sure how tread lost and found documents. By they way, did you reapply for AP again? Did they not send you a duplicate copy?

b) I am the primary applicant but I wont be travelling with her overseas. Any potential issues heads up to know before making the trip using the AP (ofcourse, in case the answer (a) is possitive)?

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>>Frankly I dont know if the old (lost) one will be valid or not, not sure >>how tread lost and found documents. By they way, did you reapply for AP >>again? Did they not send you a duplicate copy?

The new ones are sure to be lost. It was sent like 3 weeks ago but no sign of it yet! And I had to reaply after leaving no stone unturned in trying to get the approved ones.. (including pleadeing to local USCIS officiers). There exists no such a things like a copy of AP looks like.

I wonder what to do with these attnys!! :(

Can anyone please comment on my question below in this thread further?
Souraj said:
The new ones are sure to be lost. It was sent like 3 weeks ago but no sign of it yet! And I had to reaply after leaving no stone unturned in trying to get the approved ones.. (including pleadeing to local USCIS officiers). There exists no such a things like a copy of AP looks like.

My company lawyers did not respond to my several emails until 4 weeks after my AP approval. (even I did not receive them). Then I sent a final email copying to important people in my company. Somehow, magically the AP documents arrived from my lawyers office next day.

I dont think they cancel an AP document unless the basis 485 is denied. I 90% positive that you can use your old AP document to reenter.

If you want a sure answer, shell out some money (150$) and ask a real lawyer (Murthy).