Upset by my SS Card application.


Registered Users (C)
Applied SS Card two month ago. The lady behind the window copied everything but the letter that states Asylees are eligible for unrestricted SS Card and told me that they will check with INS and will let me know the result. Today I received the new SS Card. I was very upset because it still says "Valid for work on with INS authorization". I guess this is not so call "unrestricted SS card". What the hell is going on here? I was granted asylee status in 99.
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Hello Jeromy,
I am really sorry to hear this, this is so sad and waist of time and energy. Did you get the chance to read what this forum members mentioned concerning this issue, as I remember, maybe a couple faced this problem, so lets wait and see what did they do. Anyway, my advice is that you should retry again with them and insist this time that they do write that you\'re applying for " unrestricted Social Security Card", or even better if you write that your self on the application in the section asking the reason for submitting the application.
Sorry again, but hopefully it will work out this time.
Good luck to you.
go back to the office and insist on speaking with a supervisor

Make sure you have a copy of the letter stating that the new rules.
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Check discussion "Asylee/refugee: this might be a good new for you" I created on June 7, 2001