Upper limit on N-400 processing?


Registered Users (C)
Hi folks,

Isn't it mentioned somewhere that the USCIS has to make a decision on an N-400 application within a certain specified amount of time? I remember reading somewhere that its supposed to be adjudicated under 1 year or something like that?

Does anyone know if this is a legal promise?
Would it still stand given the huge influx of recent N-400 applications?

Is the violation of this amount of time the basis of those legal cases we see in one of the Master threads in this forum?

Also wondering if sueing the USCIS (if its beyond the stipulated time period) really helps in hastening the process?
Please read Wedding Vows......You will find the similarities.....There is no other way explaining this phenomena.
No. The only requirement is that USCIS adjudicates your case within 120 days from the date of your interview. The overall process can take anywhere from 3 months to 3 years or longer, depending whether you get stuck in namecheck. The big problem is that its USCIS policy not to schedule interview until namecheck has cleared... the net effect being that you can no longer sue to speed things up.