Updated/New SSN card issue after sucessful GC..


Here are my details:

CP Interview - Jan 25th, Chennai.
DOE - 24th Feb.
Status - Waiting for the cards.
Filing I-9 form with Employer: Done with Employer.

Updated/New SSN Card: Went to SSN office to get new/updated SSN cards, but unfortunately, this is what they have to say:
 I went to SSN office on Feb\'27th and filed the application for SSN
 cards. They said, that the INS system was not updated with the
 change of status info. And they said they would need about 4-6weeks
 to double check with INS to issue the cards.

-> Did something like this happen to anyone.?
May be I went too early for SSN cards, I guess? I don\'t know :(
Pls post if anyone had such similar experiences. Thanks for any info and direction!

Superman,Rajesh Paul...Congrats !
How r u guys doing? Finally, we are almost close to finishing off this big ordeal! Yes, Its me JAGEE, who meet u all @ Lister labs & at chennai consulate on Jan25th. So I\'m glad that everything worked out for all of us. Rajesh, is ur wife back with u?

Best wishes for POST GC life!

Thanks a lot to this Excellent Forum, which really got us thro\'. Thanks to everybody in this forum who helped me get thro this.

CP Certainly Rocks baby!

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"Updated/New SSN Card: Went to SSN office to get new/updated SSN cards, but unfortunately, ........"

The same happened to me, the only difference was that I was told that the wait for the INS verification will take 2-3 months.
Fortunately, my plastic GC arrived in two weeks after entering the USA after my CP. So, I went back to my SSN office and showed them my new plastic GC. They went back to their computer system and this time they found it. I was told that my card will come in two weeks. My new SSN card arrived 6 days after my visit of the SSN office.

Good luck!
Thanks for the post Marta! Where was ur POE? Was it JFK by anychance.

Maybe I will also get my plastic cards before SS office are done with their verifications, I guess!
Jagee... I\'ll have an update soon

Thanks for the wishes. Got my plastic card and wife arrived on 1st march. Now thats what\'s called a double whammy ! Still recovering...

I\'m going to the SSN office today. Had called and they said they will need Passport + I551 stamp or plastic card and a secondary identity evidence (like a marriage/birth certificate) for new SSNs. Will report back as soon as I learn something.

Hope everybody is doing well.
Glad that everyone made it....

Great to hear that everyone made it!!. It is me orumathiri aka George
signing in. The fact that I am a permanent resident has not sunk in yet. BTW I got my cards yesterday, my DOE was on Feb 17.
Congrats to all of you, especially Superman who has been patiently answering almost all of the CP questions in this forum. Congrats to Rajesh for the double whammie, GC + Wife in that order while many have Wife + GC through wife . Ofcourse Congrats to Jagee and thanks for letting me use your appointment with Vijayalakshmi!. Wish you all the best of luck and try and keep in touch..

Congratulations everyone

I entered the country, POE chicago on 4th March. Everything went as per plan, other than the fact that the INS officer did not collect immigration photos stapled to our passports, which I realised only much later on reaching home.