UPDATE ON I-485 from IGATE WEB SITE(Today 05/10/2001)


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Any thoughts on this?

April was the best month yet for the approval of iGATE Capital operating companies\' employees\' permanent residence applications. Congratulations to the dozens of new permanent residents. Do not forget to take your approval notice and passport to your local INS office for the red stamp that is temporary proof of your new status until your "green card" arrives in the mail. We recommend that you mail the Immigration Department a photocopy of your "green card"; if it is lost or stolen, the replacement application will be easier to prepare.

The month of May is off to a good start as far as I-485 approval notices are concerned. Most of these cases had been filed (I-485-not priority date) in August and September of 1999. As has been the case, some had no, one or two RFE\'s. The occasional case was approved without an amended successor - in - interest I-140 petition. To our surprise customer service representatives at the Vermont Service Center are telling employees of a freeze on the processing of I-485 applications and amended I-140 petitions pending the issuance of Central Office INS guidance on the new "I-140 portability" provision. The steady flow of approvals belies any such freeze. Given the unreliability of information provided by the Vermont Service Center, telephoning there may not be a productive use of your time.

The June "Visa Bulletin" will be issued momentarily. So far the January predictions of the Department of State of a rapid advance of the Indian EB3 cutoff date has been accurate.
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I am surprised to read the comments about the freeze on I485 applications. Are we telling lies ? If you don\'t want us to call the INS , why don\'t you ask lawyer\'s office to let them know that an amendment has been filed and the application should be in active status ?

This is frustrating...
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Great news. Looks like peolpe for whom amended I-140 was filed has started getting approvals. Those for whom amended I-140 was filed first might have got their approvals. It is a shame that those guys did not choose to share the news on this board.

Intrepid, I think you are very close to approval now because your amended I-140 was filed in the second batch.Please come back and post your approval on this board if you get it. That will be our confirmation and solace. Thanks
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vsc9909, If there are dozens of approvals in such a short time after application of I-140 redo, it gives me a feeling that the proactive I-140 may have nothing to do with the approvals. I mean did all of those guys call up VSC and link the new I-140 to their I-485s and got them approved in a span of 3-4 weeks I don\'t think many of them would even have gotten the receipt notice from LD in time to do that. ? If they didn\'t then who got them linked? I wish all those fortunate guys that deserve our congratulations, have some sympathy for us and post their details.

Just a thought.
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I am one amoing these two dozens who got approved revently in Igate. My amended I-140 applied in the first batch.
I know friend of mine who also got approved same case.

Don\'t worry, looks like they are processing Igate 485\'s

Thanks guys,

Rima Sharma
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I am one amomg these two dozens who got approved revently in Igate. My amended I-140 applied in the first batch.
I know friend of mine who also got approved same case.

Don\'t worry, looks like they are processing Igate 485\'s

Thanks guys,

Rima Sharma
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Even my I-140 Amendment was filed I think in the first batch, because the receipt date on the form says April 11th. Am I close to approval?
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I am one amomg these two dozens who got approved revently in Igate. My amended I-140 applied in the first batch.
I know friend of mine who also got approved same case.

Don\'t worry, looks like they are processing Igate 485\'s

Thanks guys,

Rima Sharma
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Hi Rima,

Did you call INS and asked them link new amended 140 to I-485? Please let me know.

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A fiend of mine was in the 1st list. He received the receipt about 10 days ago. His is still in Pending status.

I was in the second batch. I should receive the receipt anytime now.
I will call the INS once I get the copy of the receipt and let you guys know the details.
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I agree with you totally. There is no way the ammended 140s can be linked to the approvals - VSC cannot be so fast and efficient. It sure feels good to hear that approvals are happening but when they say there is no freeze - I find that hard to accept. Every IIO we speak to says there is a hold on our cases and as far I can remember that is the only consistent statement we have been getting from VSC.
It sure would help us a lot if these dozen people would post their details.Question for Rima SHarma - DID YOU GET A NOTICE FOR YOUR 140 AMMENDMENT? IF YES,DID YOU CALL VSC TO LINK IT TO 485?
Please furnish clear details so we can figure out something.
My PD is july 97 and I am reaching my wits end so VSCRD1199 - you are 96 PD - I can imagine how frustrated you should be. Well let us all hang in there - there is nothing mush else we can do. Even the senators and Cong\'men are not responding anymore
.... :-(
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Amended I140 RD was Apr 12, 2001. ND Apr 25, 2001. No RFE/No approval. PD Apr/97, Fp 8/2000 - Still waiting .....will post as soon as I get some info on my case if that could be of solace to all of you ....
I am in the 2nd batch too.

Let me see.
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Could all of guys please post important events as and when they
occur. Like getting I-140 redo receipt notice, Calling IIO to get it linked (ie if you did that) and your approval once it comes. I guess that is the basic courtsey that we can do to each other being users of this board. Information should be a two way street.

VSCRD1109, I guess some might have got their approval even without calling IIO. As my lawyer described to me this is how the process works. You can request INS to link I-140 amendement to your pending I-485 file when filing I-140 redo itself. I hope LD is already doing that when they file I-140 redo. But like any place there are good workers and bad workers at INS also. so some might not do that. So it is always good to call a responsive IIO and verify that they are linked. Once linked approval of I-140 should trigger I-485 approval. Or you call and make sure that it does.

All the best for the lucky ones (even for those who will not share info)
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You should be. remember that there is a much wide spread in the filing of I-140 redo of first batch (it was the list of all for whom I-140redo was filed till then.) So there could be a wide gap in their approvals also. Second batch on it should be a steady stream.
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If you read their post carefully, all they are saing is there is no freeze for whom I-140 redo is filed.(look at Occasional approval without I-140 redo. So all others had their I-140 redo filed!).
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First lemme answer to cool-banda. I have been trying to contact Tracy in INS HQ...hit her voice mail....left message thrice...No reply yet..am not gonna give up....I\'ll be calling her time and again....its kinda thrice in my daily agenda!!!

To all other waiting IGATE bros out there......GET REAL guys!!...Do u still wanna beleive "this" and "that"? Our applications are put on HOLD..atleast mine coz was told couple of times by two different IIOs. If this is the case for others too then lets DEAL with it and see what we can do to push it...I have been trying all avenues and will try till I get a break.

I received my receipt for I140(Amend)....since then have been trying to contact VSC but the f**king fone is busy all the time...when I get a chance to talk to an IIO I\'ll ask him/her to hook the amendment to the I485.