Update Info on my status


Registered Users (C)

I just received the below message for me and my family. Why does it say the case will be held in suspense.

Please advise.


On August 7, 2007, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence and/or information in this case. Please follow the instructions on the notice to submit the evidence and/or information requested. This case will be held in suspense until we either receive the evidence or the opportunity to submit it expires. Once you submit the information and/or evidence requested, you will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something further from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service.
the same happened to me... it can be anything, errors on any of the forms a missing signature, etc etc... In my case it was an error on the medical examination form... Most likely not a big deal...

I was approved 4 days after they received my response... :)

Any idea how much does it cost for Medical in NY. Also do I need to type up the forms or will the doctor take care of that.


Usually the doctors have the form. You can't type a form. When you call the dr. and ask for an appointment, ask him too if you need to take the form or if he has a copy. If he does NOT have a copy you need to download (print) it from www.USCIS.gov.

Please keep in mind that you can't just go to any doctor, there's a list of USCIS certified doctors and you need to choose one according to your zip code.

In Alexandria, VA, I paid 110.00 dolares plus 7 dolars for each vaccine I needed (I needed 2)

good luck

Eddie 240,
I think what happens for them to generate that message that your case will be put in suspense until you send them what they want is just another way that they cant proceed with your case processing until they get it. After you send the required things you will most likely see a message that your case processing has resumed blah--blah--blah. It could be anything and if you havent got your medical done most likely it is. Good luck.
Hi,eddy 240..cost of medical in NYC is around $175,and you don't need to bring any forms as your doctor will take care of everything.The only thing you have to bring is yourself and your wallet:D !

good luck.
Thanks Guys for the info. I have spoken to a couple of doctors from the approved list and they said if I have all the vaccinations they will charge only 150. So I will be doing my vaccinations from the county clinic for free.

Thanks again