any update from kcc ??
Just called for something else anyway but there is no numbers released yet....definitely not possible early next week
IMHO, The earliest days we can get the numbers from KCC is is next Wed/Thu.
I normally try not to get too involved with predictions, but I do think EU stands a chance of being over 16k - which would be way ahead of last year. March last year was 16200...
It's hard to say anything about the upcoming visa bulletin. If we see 2010 , the numbers for Europe are :
October -9100, November-9500, 12 400,19 750,22 400,24 700,26 300,29 250,31 000, 32 000. So , the situation this year looks the same . Also KCC selected 125 000 winners instead of 100 000 , and I think there will be visas for all of them. So, the numbers should move quickly after the holidays in december. I hope those with the 50 *** numbers are hopeful too
"Approximately 125,000 individuals were registered for further processing. " You mean they selected approximately 15 000 more in October? Why the October selection even happened ... Isn't that means that there are still visas available?