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Nobody raised the issue, so I figured it might be a nice lyrical detour from our day to day problems.

Do you guys think if Kerry is elected he will actually improve something about job related immigration? I mean backlogs and stuff?
With Bush, it's going to be this way or worse.

With Kerry... he's written way too many checks than he can cash; and I think immigration policy will be the last on his list.

So either way, we're screwed; things will only get worse from here on down.
Mr.Kerry won't improve the immigration situation, because we are taking American's jobs. However Mr. Bush will make it worse, because he is going to let all the illegal people join the legal immigration process without adding resources, which means longer waiting time. This is just my opinion.
Actually I feel that Kerry has a very attractive proposal for all who have been paying their taxes for the last 2 years i think it is called the DREAM act. They plan to directly give them imm status after doing a background check.
Jaggy said:
Actually I feel that Kerry has a very attractive proposal for all who have been paying their taxes for the last 2 years i think it is called the DREAM act. They plan to directly give them imm status after doing a background check.
This is a DREAM act or dreamed act?
IN_LC_2002 said:
This is a DREAM act or dreamed act?

if u search in the website of kerry, u find different things related to immigration compared to bush where it is not even mentioned. u should always remenber that bush is a conservative therefore he doesn't want any immigrant, he is closed. whereas kerry states in his website that he will reunify families by changing the quota system for getting visa numbers, he is more open minded.
we tried bush for immigration and it is going from worse to worst.

therefore, to be consistent there is an impact of the election on immigration.
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support Keery

Kerry has said that 5years of legal immigrant and payed taxes and been out of trouble you will get citizenship--third debate-dude has common sense..that's how its in great britian
It would be awesome if that happens but I am not sure if it will. That would be best ever system that would create an huge Hoorah! in the entire International Community. UK does it really well.