Unresolved 'IV-Adminstrative Process'


New Member
Its been 16 months since i interviewed for IV (Family Based Visa) in Islamabad, Pakistan. For the past 16 months it has been said that the case is still pending under 'Administrative Process'. God Knows when this process will complete.

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AD processing

Well it is not uncommon in Pakistan. I know some one it took him around 4 years in Admin Processing. You can tell your sponsor to involve Congressman and get in to more specific. It might be field investigation or name check. They all come under broad term Admin Processing.

If it prolongs with out any answer consider filling Mandamus Complaint in federal court. This will put enough pressure on Dept of State to get your process moving. Remember US consulates fall under Dept of State not Dept of Homeland security.
Your sponsor needs to start making some noise.

Its been 16 months since i interviewed for IV (Family Based Visa) in Islamabad, Pakistan. For the past 16 months it has been said that the case is still pending under 'Administrative Process'. God Knows when this process will complete.

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My father had is interview in September '07 in Dhaka. They said further administrative processing was necessary. Wrote to my senator's office the other day. Waiting for a reply.