Unofficial communication FBI not working on INS cases now.


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One of my friend told me that his lawyer told him that FBI is not clearing any immigration applications which INS needs for 485 approval due to war and concentrating more on intelligence gathering and monitoring terrorist activities.

So our dear BCIS or INS can sleep for some more time and become obese and start complaining about diabetis and lack of interest, after that and god knows when they will work on 485's.

This is not a official release.
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It won' make any difference for our Worlds Most Laziest dumb ass Idiots ... (Alias INS alias BCIS ) ,as at the current speed they still have the work for another 25 years .
Makes sense though RM_CSC, hopefully the war is gonna be really short then, but Bushie will then start playing with red and orange threat level colors, fuck we're just plain screwed is all I can say ..

Though tell me .. if that is what the FBI is doing, how come Vermont and Nebraska are giving approvals?

When 9/11 happened, and they established bin laden link to this whole story, I sorta knew that Afghanistan was going to be bombed. (I think we all could have guessed that). I frankly didn't have too much regret for that, especially after they destroyed the Bamiyan Buddha statues. Then around when Afghanistan was being bombed, and they figured some links between Atta and Iraq, I figured, Well chances are .. Iraq is gonna be bombed, who'se next .. N. Korea? Who after that? (Frankly N. Korea even though Anti America has so far nothing to do with 9/11 .. but who knows really).

Another interesting thing, I was reading about the MOAB. Especially read the last paragraph in this article, . They accelerated the development of that 5 months back. With the plain and clear intention that they were gonna use it in Iraq. Almost seems like this diplomatic stuff was a sham, and 5 months back, they knew that they would be dropping this bomb on Iraq today.

I have an insinuation, that even today, they know who is gonna be next, and exactly when that is gonna be. They have the whole plan chalked out, and so it seems, we aren't a part of it. Ahhh shucks, didn't think we were. :)
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Thanks for the news, made an otherwise boring week interesting, in the sense that we atleast know now what FBI is doing:D

and as to why the east coast INS centers are doling out approvals i have esablished a consipracy therory, it goes like this

Since last time on 9/11 the aggressors came in from the east coast the FBI think it will be from the west and south this time, so they are not seeing any of our cases..:p
I understand that the FBI is busy with the war but for god's sake they have had so much time from November to clear out the cases...why don't they start approving cases which have already passed the FBI check...just another stalling ploy:cool:

oops, are we allowed to bitc* about the INS again??
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