Unnecessary need of EAD approvals


Registered Users (C)
VSC can drastically reduce their workload by eradicating the EAD renewals.

If you see closely they are not generating any income through that but getting extra workload.

If the FP can be valid for 15 months why cannot they issue workpermit and increase the fees at the first shot and make it valid for 18 months. This way they can generate extra income and reduce the workload.

I am sure that I am not only the smart one to think about it. There might be people who thought about it but it do not know if it can be implemented or not(I have not evaluated the drawbacks of it as yet from USINS point of view).

What do you think folks.

You are correct

Rustom Bhai,
You are absolutely correct correct correct. The whole process to me is a big screwup. They should just give EAD and AP till you get the visa stamped on your passport.
Hi Folks,

EAD and AP are all temporary documents, all temp docs are valid only for 12 months, even Canadians who come on temp visa to work here require to renew their visa every 12 months, I know it's frustrationg for all of us, I guess BCIS is not after the money from my point of view, I could be wrong.. It's the process that is missing there, right now I guess they are not very much worried about legal or illegal immigrants, so what would we do if were in their shoes, just delay delay dealy as long as u can..

I feel the pain, I am one of u waiting for my 140 approval since 10 months, I guess I am coming to a stage where I don't give a damn about it any more.. I guess we need luck at this time rather tahn anything else:)


We understand what you are saying. We understand that it is a temporary document. But can they change the validity of this temporary document from 12 months to 18 months. This way they do not need to renew the documents of the applicants who have gotten their I485 approved.

It is very painful, frustrating process for everybody who are looking for their greencard. I also do not give a damn about it. but it forces me to think about it when a golden opportunity is waiting for you and you are stuck with this stupid greencard process.

But with all due respect, Hang in there buddy, and hope for a happy ending.


You are right.. But I think this concurrent filing is causing all the confusion and renewals, if we apply 485 after 140 is cleared we might not need to apply for second renewal of a EAD or 140, even these solicitors are applying all the documents (131,140,485,760) everything together though one has a valid visa (H1 or whatever), in other words we are flooding the INS offices with all these applications out of which 75% doesn¡¦t use neither their EAD nor their AP, I have a friend who went to Fingure printing twice and got his EAD renewed thrice(he never used at least AP, he says just in case).

I hope some team in BCIS who knows what they are doing will make a sensible decision so that the process will be streamlined. My issue is I don¡¦t mind waiting in the queue if the people who applied before me are waiting for their approval, but when I run that script even ppl who applied in July2003 got approved (not just 1 0r 2, bunch of ppl), I feel like consolidating each month approvals on a spreadsheet and send it to a BCIS officer and ask him what kind of pattern they are using to approve the cases, it just doesn¡¦t make sense to me. As you have mentioned we will just hang in there and see what the outcome would be ƒº


You are right on the money. Many of the applications filed are unnecessary, like filing for EAD & AP before 140 gets approved. You cant use it! so why file it?...


Originally posted by myself_12342002

You are right.. But I think this concurrent filing is causing all the confusion and renewals, if we apply 485 after 140 is cleared we might not need to apply for second renewal of a EAD or 140, even these solicitors are applying all the documents (131,140,485,760) everything together though one has a valid visa (H1 or whatever), in other words we are flooding the INS offices with all these applications out of which 75% doesn¡¦t use neither their EAD nor their AP, I have a friend who went to Fingure printing twice and got his EAD renewed thrice(he never used at least AP, he says just in case).

I hope some team in BCIS who knows what they are doing will make a sensible decision so that the process will be streamlined. My issue is I don¡¦t mind waiting in the queue if the people who applied before me are waiting for their approval, but when I run that script even ppl who applied in July2003 got approved (not just 1 0r 2, bunch of ppl), I feel like consolidating each month approvals on a spreadsheet and send it to a BCIS officer and ask him what kind of pattern they are using to approve the cases, it just doesn¡¦t make sense to me. As you have mentioned we will just hang in there and see what the outcome would be ƒº

I dont even understand why any one needs an EAD or AP.
Pending I485 application should be sufficient to work anywhere and reenter the country.
Now we need seperate work permit, travel permit.
Soon they will introduce a shit permit.
You can shit in the country only if you have a valid shit permit.
