Unlawful presence in the United States

1. What is the date on you I-94? It's that date that matters.
2. Even if you are not subject to a ban, any amount of being out of status and/or overstay could lead to them to issues in the future when you apply for visas or entry in the future, so it's best not to have it.
3. You won't have any problems leaving the U.S. I'm not sure about entry to Canada. Is Canada the country you are from?
Chances of h1b for less experienced

Hi everyone,

I applied for h1b 2014,currently i m working in a branded company,my experience is 9 months as of today(april 5) and i have B.tech degree in computer science.So,now my questons are,

1.with this much of experience can i get the visa?
2.what are the chances of acceptance?
3.is experience mandatory for h1b visa?

Any sugestions for me??

please reply to this because i m very scared about this.......