Unique problem!


Registered Users (C)
A friend of mine (main applicant) and his wife (derivative applicant)got there greencards a couple of weeks back. This monday out of the blue his wife told him that she wanted to file for a divorce and proceeded to do so. It obviously left my friend both shell shocked and used!! He brought the subject up with today since he was visibly disturbed and I kinda asked him what was up. He asked me if he could get her greencard revoked since he felt betrayed by the whole thing. My answer to him was that I didn't think he could (Though I obviously wasn't very sure about it!) I would love to hear some inputs from our forum members on this subject if possible!
Sorry for my earlier posting! This issue has been discussed other posting.
Best wishes to your friend.
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Although, I hope your friend and his wife can work things out, it seems like his wife was waiting to get her green card before she can file for divorce. I am sure that your friend can revoke her green card based on the fact that she used him to get her green card.

If an employee leaves the company right after he/she gets the green card they could run into problems getting the citizenship. If a wife leaves her husband right after getting her green card I bet she will have to provide evidence that the marriage was legit at the time of citizenship. if that is not the case then it is very dissappointing.

I suggest your friend contact an immigration attorney.
COLOHIO - Bud, I suggest you work on your grammar and spellings before making any postings. This is an open forum for us desis to seek help on issues revolving around the greencard. So if you think there is something you can't give any helpful input on, you need to take a seat and chill instead of posting weird messages! I am sure you are a saint....you would'nt be anywhere close to being vindicative if you were in my friend's position...but the rest of us are only human!

gcdayday - Thanks for your opinion bud. I spoke with my friend today and he certainly sounded more circumspect today. He certainly seems to be coming to terms with the impending eventuality and is trying to focus on picking up the pieces of his life with the intention of moving on. Will keep you posted if and when there are any developments.
GCFasttrack, thanks for your advice!!!
Sorry!! I forgot to turn on spelling and grammar checker. I did not know the rule that every posting here sould be 100% accurate in grammar.
I wish Rabindra Nath Tagore were in my side to help me out!

P.S. I just signed up for English 101 at Columbus State Community College. I should write better english after this semester.
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I don't think you can have a derivative greencard removed. If you were a USC then your derivative's green card would be "conditional."
Maybe you should check the real nature of the marriage. Maybe the spouse was subjected to an abusive relationship. Many spouses, especially wives, are subjected to trememndous abusive behavior when they are in these marriages.
You better check the facts before you ask your friend to do something that is silly.
detroitimmi - I totally agree with you that there are a lot of abusive relationships in similar situations since there is a amount of insecurity and dependence which can lead to a sense of power for the primary applicant. As the old saying goes "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Was this that kind of a situation, I obviously don't know.

The bottomline for me here is that he is my friend and at a time like this I feel that standing by him is my duty toward him. That extends to believing what he says and offering the best advice possible. My advice to him was to try and end this as quickly and amicably as possible since no one but attorneys profit from acrimonious situations! So lets see what happens.
I dont mean to barge in this conversation , but unless the husband can prove that the spouse used him for a GC (very convincing evidence) there is very little he can do about this.

just my 0.02 Cents
Spoken like a true friend! You are certainly doing the right thing--standing by your friend. However, to be able to give him sound advice, you should enable him to talk to you honestly. He should give you a holistic picture of his situation. Then I think you will be able to counsel him better. A good friend does not add fuel to the fire by egging on his buddy with thoughts of vindictiveness. That does not help.

You are right, attorney's do cost a lot of money. If your friend's marriage is not going to work, then he should take this as an ending, and maybe look forward to new beginnings. Maybe he can go on to do bigger and better things in his life.

You are doing the right thing buddy by requesting your friend to be calm and amicable.

Good wishes and the best of luck to your friend and his wife.
detroitimmi - I am trying my best to help him realize that moving on amicably is the best situation for both of them. Time heals all wounds and this will be no different. I like level headed people and you sound like one. Out of curiousity where in India do you come from?

GcHttp404 - Bud, you probably should join COLOHIO in the english course he is planning to take. I think it would help in the long run. I posted a question regarding an issue revolving around the GC and since you seem to have no clue or opinion on my question why not just skip it instead of posting a rude message? (This being your first message ever in the forum too!!). Please remember if someone i(n this case my friend) is asking me for information in an objective fashion I can only try and answer the question instead of being judgemental. In this case I wasn't sure so I posted it on this forum. This is in no way "advice" that I have handed out to my friend!
Dear GCFasttrack:

Your situation sounds very similar to an acquaintance of mine.

However, he recieved his GC about a year ago and the spouse (who proceeded to file for divorce) about three monhts ago. So I don't know if it applies.

Moreover, this was a case where I felt little sympathy for the guy for the verbal and (sadly enough) physical abuse that the wife was subjected to.

As for your info, detroitimmi is right. I hope you get the facts in order before trying to "revoke" a GC and end up doing something that will affect your GC in the long-run (known to happen).

BTW, it seems that you are in the business of eiditing. Why are you so keen on correcting people's grammer and spelling? These people joined the forum to recieve and get information on the immigration issue NOT write essays. Seems that you UNDERSTOOD their message alright!:D

Good Luck to you!
sniffer - Bud, this isn't my problem but that of a close friend. All I wanted was an objective answer to a question he asked me. To be truthful I don't know who is right or wrong in this situation the guy or the gal. If one of your close friend asked you a question and requested information would you answer him or interrogate the hell out of him? As I have already stated multiple times in these postings that my advice to him has been to try and resolve this situation amicably (that is my opinion) but that doesn't detract from me answering or trying to find an answer to his question. No I don't like editing stuff :) but when people try to be rude for no reason at all what do you do?

GcHttp404 - Did you have a bad day or something? If you "unfortunately" clicked on this message and found it appalling you could have used the back button to get out of it. I asked an objective question.....what is so insensitive about it? I have already said multiple times that I don't know who is right or wrong in this situation. I was asked a question so I posted it here since I wasn't sure of the answer. I am sorry if my reply to your posting offended you...but you did start the whole thing by posting such a rude message.
Dear GCFasttrack:

What are you talking about?
This is NOT a forum to determine who is right or wrong (about what?) ... have you looked at your postings ... man talk about RUDE!!!!
I am of a mind to talk to the webmaster about this ...
Besides - I AM NOT YOUR BUD ....
Sniffer - Who is trying to determine right or wrong (about anything!!)????? When I used that analogy I was talking about my friend and his wife (refer my first posting). and just trying to say that I am not TRYING to pass judgement on my friend or his wife but just looking for an answer to a question he asked. What is so wrong with that??

I am of a mind to talk to the webmaster about this ...

Complain to the webmaster about what???
Dear GCFasttrack:

To Quote your postings which you refer to constantly -

'...To be truthful I don't know who is right or wrong in this situation the guy or the gal...."

Ergo my statement (see my posting) - "This is NOT a forum to determine who is right or wrong (about what?) ..." please note the question in paranthesis ... or maybe you don't ... seems such nuances are lost to you ... oops! you and/or your "friend".

One begins to wonder why your friend won't sign on and ask questions himself ... maybe he can explain himself a lot better than you - as a friend - do.

As for your posting about:
"I am of a mind to talk to the webmaster about this ...

Complain to the webmaster about what???'"

In case you haven't noticed (seems other respondents have) you seem to be be one of the rudest people in the forum.

I signed-up to this forum to get information on immigration issues ... to get info on how to GET and KEEP a GC ... not how to help someone ("friend's" spouse, to be precise) lose it (a question that, I believe, has been answered several times in the postings - if you would care to look) ... and therin lies the nature of my complaint. I think this forum is too careless about the threads they allow ... I think you belong to a different forum ...

I'm really disappointed in this thread ... and see no point in trying to have a sensible conversation with you (on behalf of your vindictive "friend" - of course)

Ciao dude and may you (and your "friend") get a better perspective on forums ... and life in general ...
Sorry for my earlier posting! This issue has been discussed other posting.
Best wishes to your friend.
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Courses for GCfasttrack

I advise the following courses for GCfasttrack,

- English 101 : For all the obvious errors in his postings
- Manners 101 : For the disrespect shown to several members
- Friendship 101 : For attempting to ill advise his friend
- Rationality 101 : For being as irrational as his friend. Even if
his friend thinks he has a reason to do so,
GCfasttrack should excercise caution.

It is very important to realize once own mistakes rather than
taking it out on others.

A day before when I read his message, I felt bad. But I let it
pass considering that just silly. When I returned today to the
forum, I felt sick. What appears common between him and his
friend is that both are seeking revenge. Both perhaps do not
realize their own mistakes and are quick to blame others.

I hope he does not get started on me now!

In any case, I wish his friend and his wife settle it amicably.
All you guys, whatz up with several of you. Without getting into the merrit of the question posted, you must understand that bashing each other with harsh words (assuming to be smart words) does not help anyone. Kind words please... :)
Not a issue to be laughed at

Hello my friends

My little drops of whitelight............

I hate to sound like a white lighter.
As a person who has seen first hand encounters with abusive relationships (upfortunately many a times in the receiving end).

On one hand I agree that one has to be a little judgemental about cases like this when it is brought to somebody's attention in a public forum. One tends to see what has been presented before us. It is only human we all perceive the problem at hand and lean towards our logical limits.

That being said, Once a message has has been posted on a forum, it invites opinions, sarcasm, criticism, ridicule and also valuable advice and empathy.

We just know that 2 people did not get along together, who also incidentally happened to have got their approvals currently, this spouse just chose to sever the relationships at this point of time.


2) THE PRIMARY APPLICANT IS LOOKING TO REVOKE THE APPLICATION FOR THE SPOUSE (as I said we still do not know what really happened)

So whoever chooses to throw in 2 cents, without being brash and ready to pelt stones, we should just throw in our views about it and the originator of this message will probably accumulate it all. And then based on it all, will choose to advice his friend.

So lets not throw snakes, lizards and scorpions at each other.

I am aware that some may come my way. But this my strong OPINION

"If I sow PADDY I will reap PADDY If I sow venomous seeds I will reap poison" I hope I sew some PADDY in this case.

A message from somebody who was affected by ........................................