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Unemployment Rises Nationwide To 9.2 Percent As Hiring Stalls


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It will be two more weeks before the Tri-State Area finds out its unemployment rates for the month of June, but if the national unemployment numbers released Friday are any indication of what’s to come, it doesn’t look good.

Hiring nationwide slowed to a near-standstill last month. Employers added the fewest jobs in nine months and the unemployment rate rose to 9.2 percent.

The economy generated only 18,000 jobs last month and needs to add 125,000 jobs per month just to keep pace with population growth. What’s worse, more people — 250,000 last month alone — have just stopped looking for work, reports CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer.

“We’ve added more than 2 million new private sector jobs over the past 16 months, but the recession cost us more than 8 million. And that means we still have a big hole to fill,” President Barack Obama said on Friday.

EXTRA: Click Here To Read The Full Report

It’s a double whammy for the economy. The new job report shows job creation has slowed to a trickle, and new evidence has emerged that Americans don’t have the skills to take the jobs that do exist.

“We’re not doing a good enough job preparing young people for the jobs that exist in today’s economy,” said Harvard University’s William Symonds.

The hard-to-fill jobs include skilled trades like plumbers and carpenters, sales reps and drivers, people who need a technical degree — not a liberal arts education.

“We’ve taken a very academic sort of one-size-fits all to education with the goal, frankly, that most students are going to a four-year college,” Symonds said.

The latest report offered stark evidence that the recovery will be painfully slow. It also raised doubts that the economy will rebound in the second half of the year after hitting a spring slump. The report touched off partisan wrangling in Washington. Staten Island Congressman Michael Grimm blamed President Obama and Democratic policies.

“The problem in this country is the government, Washington, is broken. The bureaucracy here is just ridiculously large,” Grimm said
The bad news on unemployment is on the minds of many New Yorkers.

Pat Larson said her friend, who worked at a high executive level, has been out of work for almost two years and the new numbers have her fearing about her job security.

“I’m nervous because I work in health care and you know what has happened to health care in the last couple of years,” Larson said. “If I lose my job, I lose my health insurance. I’m in big trouble.”

wow, that's bad news for DV2012 winners. why we are wasting our time if there are no jobs in usa?
I am not want to find a job in usa but to create my own business because even if you find a job, u can get laid down the next day so my plan is to establish my own business there
wow, that's bad news for DV2012 winners. why we are wasting our time if there are no jobs in usa?
It is not easy for many people to find a reasonable job. Americans have seen jobs vanish and also many have gotten their hours cut.

Lots of people who got a new job are under employed just because it is easier to get a better job if you already have one. For sure it will be harder for foreigners to get a job over here.

I have always wondered how many people who came on the DV greencard here are still here and how many have gone back to their country but I assume there are no stats for that.
many are going back because :
1) their degree are not reconized
2) they finaly see that the USA is in the same earth as their country meaning that it is not perfect
3) nobody wants to hire them thus making the life more dificult for them
3) unemployement rate is skyrocking
It is not easy for many people to find a reasonable job. Americans have seen jobs vanish and also many have gotten their hours cut.

Lots of people who got a new job are under employed just because it is easier to get a better job if you already have one. For sure it will be harder for foreigners to get a job over here.

I have always wondered how many people who came on the DV greencard here are still here and how many have gone back to their country but I assume there are no stats for that.
Unemployment has always existed, nothing surprising there.

and new evidence has emerged that Americans don’t have the skills to take the jobs that do exist.

And then they say foreigners take their jobs lol
wht peoples always has to be e-tough on the internet... i guess the human nature is just stupid... LoveAmerica is trying to be the e-boss here...
go ahead e-gangsta
Well well well,

Looks like Jayo2k has finally got his stubborn head out of his *** and has just now realized that there are high unemployment rates in the United States and that the job market there is not stable and not everything its cracked up to be.
many are going back because :
1) their degree are not reconized
2) they finaly see that the USA is in the same earth as their country meaning that it is not perfect
3) nobody wants to hire them thus making the life more dificult for them
3) unemployement rate is skyrocking

You forgot to mention that they won't receive unemployment or other benefits...and the ones who have a sponsor will need to get the sponso to pay money or the sponsor might be sued later on...
Don't forget the millions of illegal aliens that takes up the jobs that Americans don't even want. Like farming, cleaning, restaurant jobs. They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.