UnEmployment Benefit after GC.


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I would like to Know is it ok to claim the state Unemployment Benefit with a few months after the approval of the GC.

Can anybody tell me as to How Long i should wait before filing for the benefit? after getting the GC. Also will there any problem if i claim the benefit .

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I filed for unemployment insurance

I filed for unemployment insurance on the basis of EAD.My RD is
22nd October and I guess it will be approved sometime in November but I went ahead and filed for unemployment.I am getting $336 a week and would get for 16 weeks so that is a relief and gives time to look for a job.

I am a bit concerned....

Would it not raise a redfalg with the INS..that U can be a public Charge.......

Could this be a reason.....for Denial of GC or Citizen Ship???
forgot to tell that mine is based on my spouse

I forgot to tell that my I-485 is based on my spouse's case.My spouse's case was approved on 28th August and I am sure mine would be approved latest by November(RD 22nd October,2001) as it is dependent on marraige.
May be you are right it may affect Green Card processing if it is employment based.
As regards to citizenship I think that won't be affected because Green Card holder is going to stay here anyway whether his citzenship case gets approved or not and is going to claim all the benefits including unemployment insurance.

One more thing I would like to point out that unemployment is not a charity and if the employer fires you because of incompetency, misconduct then you do not get it. My employer an American company who was holding my H1B had hired me as a permannet employee and laid me off because of loss of business.
So before applying for it one must be sure that he can prove that he was laid off because of loss of business and he was laid off before the end of intended period of employemnet.
One last thing Unemployment insurance comes out of your
LAST EMPLOER'S POCKET so it is not public charge.
Nice Info..

I need to find out a lot more abt Unemployment Benefots...
UR info does help.......
what else you need to know

let me know what else you need to know about unemployment insurance . I have done a lot of research :)
I think "humor" should apply for unemployment insurance since he has already got Green Card. Why worry about citizenship now? When you apply for a next job nobody is going to check whteher you are getting unemployment insurance or not.
Even in the case of citizenship I am sure you will not be denied on the basis of it as you are already a permanent resident.
I have seen people talking rubbish about INS and discrimination against immigrant but I think this country is great.Some doubts after 9/11 is okay but I still think if you remain loyal to this country and do not violate any laws you will get citizenship...... and in no case they are going to revoke Green card on this basis.
Thanks for replies

Yes, I also did some researchon DOL and state
employment websites. They seem to ask only
the Alien or "A-number" if you are not a citizen.
we have that once we file 485. So technically
we can apply and I cannot get clear answers
to our questions from there. since i have got green card
i guess i will be eligible. but i searched
this website, many people have questions like asd has.
whether it will affect gc/citozenship etc

if they approve benefits, then they have done their homework
i would assume. i will anyway call them and confirm
and post later
Which state you are from

I am not sure which state you are from. I am in Indiana. I went their and filled up a form.They asked for A# which was there on EAD.After that I file the vouchers online every week and get the money regularly. You just have to give names of three employers where you applied for the job last week. (You have to be an active job-hunter during the time You are claiming insurance). they will get the benefits no questions asked. In my case they kept a copy of my EAD and told that they just need to check with INS that it is not a fraud card otherwise I was all set. They also confirmed from my employer that I was laid off becuase of loss of business and there was no other reason.
from maryland

I am from maryland and based on my findings,
for maryland the first filing can be through web (online)
give all details and start getting benefits from the first sunday.
Thereafter one has to call an automated number and update
our status.

one question. u told $ 336 / week. do you know
how it is calculated? based on the state tax we filed
that year or in past year etc ?


What does unemployment insurance cover. Do you need to pay a monthly fee for it.

Also, why didn't you opt for COBRA etc that an employee offers after lay-off. Is it related to cost.

How long is unemployment insur valid ?

What happens after 16weeks. Will you not get the benefits after that.

Is 16weeks based on employment years or constant. How about food stamps etc.
How about this?

I am the primary applicant on GC. I file for my wife's I-485 after 6 months. I get my approval (hopefully). My wife has "never " worked here , has an EAD. Can she claim unemployment insurance?

Let me know..
As far as I know, she CANNOT claim it. To be eligible, you must have worked in US for atleast 6 months(I think) and paid the FICA taxes.
humor, priyagc and tusker your answers

In Indiana the calculation is based on the income made in last 3 quarters. There is a formula for calculating that which you can find
on this link

Priya, As I said above the calculation is based on your last 3 quarters income. The maximum time for which you can get benefit is 6 months.But they also have a limit on maximum amount one can get and in my case that limit would be reached in 16 weeks.
I have not explored what would happen after 16 weeks as I hope I will get a project before that :) I have no idea of Food Stamps and all. Remember one thing it is not a charity at all, you must alwyas be looking for a job and if they get even a slightest of hint that you are just enjoying your benefits you could be in trouble.Moreover since my spouse is employed I don't think I will be eligible to get Food Stamps.Secondly it is directly related to your last 3 quarters income so there has to be a limit it can't go for ever.
As regrads to COBRA there is one nodal agency which controls it.
The employer sends all the info to that nodal agency and the agency sends you a form to fill out if you want to opt for COBRA or not.I have just been laid off and told my employer to wait till 2nd week of October for that form as they covered my insurance till September end and then informed the agency.
Moreover COBRA is related to health insurance.Health Insurance and unemployment insurance are two differnt things.For COBRA you have to pay out of your own pocket, employer just informs the agency that you had a health insurance till such and such date.

Your wife can not get unemployment benefits since she has never worked before. As I said earlier these benefits come out of the last employer's pocket so if there is no last employer then how come she would get the benefit?
In any case don't file for it till the primary applicant's GC is approved.

Hope it all helps !
2 diff things

COBRa - is medical Insurance......
Unemployment Insurance...is something that U get when U are unemployed..It is not Medical Insurance...
"As I said earlier these benefits come out of the last employer's pocket so if there is no last employer then how come she would get the benefit? "

Unemployment benefits do not come out last employers pocket . They are paid to the applicant from public funds. The employee pays for unemployment insurance while employed and therefore becomes eligible for unemployment benefits under certain circumstances.

As regrads to COBRA there is one nodal agency which controls it.

COBRA is just a piece of federal legislation, which certain employers offering health insurance to their employees have to comply with. There is not nodal agency etc !

I just wished to clarify what i thought was wrongly presented. No offense intended
So, is there anything that a person can do to get more money while being unemployed like buying unemployment insurance etc.

Also what happens after 6 months. Are you on your own?
Even after trying, let say one is not able to get a job. What are the options?

I read on this board that one needs 6 moths of work exp to be eligible for umemp benifits.

Does working in Mcdonalds/burger kings make a person eligible for unemployment benefits.
Just a small clarification to the post of mr tryit1.
The unemployment is paid by the government allright, but the government gets the money from your employer. Each employer pays Unemployment insurance to the govt, the amount of which varies according to each state. This is where your unemployment comes from. So technically the unemployment is paid by all the employers !.

i would be glad to hear if this is not the case.

mr tryit1 & priyagc--correction

Unemployment insurance does come out of last employer. It is paid by govt but govt collects this money from last employer . I am 100 percent sure about that.

CORBA is once again controlled by a nodal agency. The employer has to inform this agency and this agency, which is basically a health insurance compnay, sends you a form to fill out asking you if you are interested in CORBA or not. This is what exactly I was told by my employer and I may be incorrect but I am absolutely surer about unemployment insurance.

Priyagc You don't have to buy unemployment insurance. You become eligible automatically for it if you have worked for an employer(whether it is Mcdonald or Subway) as a permanent employee for a specified time period( I think it is 9 months but not sure about it) and you have been laid off because of loss of business. If you are fired because of misconduct/incompetency or you have quit on your own then you are not eligible.

you seem to be very interested to know what happens after 6 months well I have not done the research for that but you get these benefits for the maximum period of 6 months.

If I am not mistaken in what I heard, I think under some circumstances, it can be extended beyond 6 months wherein u show that u really r trying hard and can't meet ur expenses without benfits. (May be after somebody files for Individual bankruptcy, I don't know)

U have done a lot of research on this subject and know better.