unemployed at abjudication of status


Registered Users (C)
What are the odds of getting I-485 approved if unemployed
at that time ? Is employment evidence routinely asked for at
the interview (I am confused about differences between interview and RFE) ?

Thanks for your reply.

Your chances of receiving (or not) of an RFE or interview are pretty much even. If the officer adjudicating your case feels the need to get the latest empl. letter or transfer the case to a local office for interview, he/she will do so. Going by the trend lately, its tough to make that call. For all you know, you might just getting the approval without anything.

Nothing to get desperate about.

In the meanwhile, try your best to get a job ... even a temporary one as a consultant or some sort and be on a payroll asap. But again, don't get desperate. Things will work out just fine.

Good luck in your job search.
good luck buddy!

Until last night I was in a similar boat: I had an RFE for employment and job status was a bit, um, unstable (whose IT job isn't these days?). Luckily RFE evidence asked for EVL which I obtained while still employed and case was approved.

HOWEVER: don't take it too lightly. I agree with jaysee not to get desperate, but do try to get a job.
