Uncommon Message From NVC Phone Status System


Registered Users (C)
Today when I checked my case status the system says,
"An information sheet regarding adjustment of status (AOS) has been sent to you on 03/30/2004. If you have not done so, please complete the form and return it." Does anyone know what is this information sheet about? And why do they send such a sheet? Thanks.
Originally posted by nsr
Today when I checked my case status the system says,
"An information sheet regarding adjustment of status (AOS) has been sent to you on 03/30/2004. If you have not done so, please complete the form and return it." Does anyone know what is this information sheet about? And why do they send such a sheet? Thanks.

It is difficult to say precisely without knowing your status.

It looks like this they sent out a document seeking your confirmation about changing the process from AOS to CP (?)

Does this make sense to you?

Thanks Raju. But when I filed my I-140, I have opted for CP. Therefore INS/USCIS has transferred my file to NVC upon I-140 approval. So, in this context, I am kinda confused as to why are they sending this information sheet?
Originally posted by nsr
Thanks Raju. But when I filed my I-140, I have opted for CP. Therefore INS/USCIS has transferred my file to NVC upon I-140 approval. So, in this context, I am kinda confused as to why are they sending this information sheet?

While we can not be sure till you see the paper sent out, I am
assuming that they may be seeking your confirmation once again
about taking the cp route.

This is purely speculation!!

Thanks again Raju. Yes, actually you right. Here is what my lawyer said...

The I-140 petition requested CP and the approval notice confirms that the file was sent to NVC to begin the CP process.

Randomly, it seems, the NVC sends out letters to "double check" an applicant's CP selection when they see that the individual lives in the U.S. and has the option of filing through AOS. When we receive the letter from the NVC, we will respond immediately to confirm your selection of CP and then they will issue the fee bills required to move the CP process forward.

Can you state the NVC message verbatim (as-is)? Are you sure it uses the words "Adjustment of Status"? My speculation is that it may be the DS 3032 which is the attorney agent form. But anyway post the exact NVC message as you hear it!

The exact message is as described in my first post. It does say Adjustment of Status. My attorney has completed the information sheet and sent back. In fact, NVC has received the response. My current status is "Immigrant Visa Fee Bill was created and will be sent in next few weeks".

I think that adjustment of status message mustve an error. Now that it states Fee bill issued means you are on the right track. Make sure make the fee bill payment before 4/30 since there is a fee increase in effect post 4/30.