Unbelivable...04/02..still nothing...!!! Anyone in the same boat...


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Unbelivable...04/02, and still nothing....!!!!!!

Sometimes I think: why do they have to screw me the most...??? Why do I have to be the last one..? Last time I heard from INS was in 06/03 when I did my FP's. The online message still says 850-900 days...!!! No transfers, no RFE...I sent million faxes for expedited processing last month and still not a word from INS...

I am really frustrated and don't know what to do...!!!! I guess I'll wait until the official date overtakes my received date and complain to everybody: senators, congresman, president...!!!

Is there anyone in the same boat..?
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I sent million faxes for expedited processing
Atleast they owe you a denial of expedited processing. :) Hopefully you will get your approval soon.
Dear friends,


Not sure why ppl ignore this advise by either just bieng pesimestic or afraid of extra $$..... hey this is ur+family furture depends on it.... so its upto u.

Make it simple....... talking with them personaly and by Attorney make a lot of difference.........trust me.

if you are sending tons of faxes its not the way it should be. my advise is stilll always approch them through proper chanel. and the right person to communicate is ur attorney. if u have issue with attorney (lazy/not good response). use $$. this is the country where everyting is for sell. what would you like to buy?

Good Luck
Choose between 2 evils. Which hell would you rather be in?

Sometimes I wonder what is better:

Being in your situation, waiting at TSC, but eventually you will get an approval, or an RFE, or a second FP notice, and you can complain when the official processing date is past your RD. You can write to senators to congressmen, but they probably won't help, unless your WAAAY past the current processing date. Sending faxes are worth shit sometimes, unless you've got extremely good luck for some reason. I've sent a few, with no help, and so has my lawyer. You'll have an EAD or H1B and an AP for the entire time until you are approved. You won't have to take time off to go for an interview. You won't have to go through the stress of facing someone who has thier entire life at stake in front of you.


Being in my situation, my case has been transferred to Miami, there is NO OFFICIAL PROCESSING DATE for employment based transfers, since Miami's jurisdiction is only Family based petitions, so I have no right to complain to anyone, except, I do have the option to visit the Miami office regularly and bother them to give me an interview date. I can't plan a vacation, because I could get an interview date at any time between now and kingdom come with only a few weeks notice. When I finally do go to the interview, and I've lost all my hair, they will most probably NOT approve me on the spot, but they WILL take away my I-94, EAD, and AP while I wait for them to do additional security clearances, again not permitting me either travel, nor change jobs during that time period. That limbo period could last for months. There is absolutely NO WAY for me to get a status of my pending name check clearance at that time, even though the FBI says its fine and was sent to USCIS, USCIS can claim it hasn't received it yet. At least you have your case status that is semi-accurate. No senator nor congressman will come close to the Miami office. They aren't even allowed inside unless they have a pending case of their own, and there is no phone number they can use to call the Miami office. I won't be able to get any help from them. At least you can TRY to get help from the senators and congressman.

Neither one is a happy situation to be in, but I've often wondered which one I would prefer, especially since case transfers have become so much more prevalent since TSC started trying to reduce their backlog. Transfers are a much more common thing these days, but the tools (like online case status) are not available to these types of people.
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I don't have an attorney. I did I/140/I-485 all by myself. What do you think I should do to get finger print? RN/ND: 11/2002
I don't think I can get our company attorney do much, each time I called, I got similar answer as from TSA: each case is treated differently, la la la... I just don't understand that since nobody has touched my case in the past 2+ years, how do they know it's differently... Anyway, just wait...

ND: May 2002
FP: not yet
TSC has three buckets - Lucky, Normal, Unlucky :p

Your case is not in the Lucky bucket. In a couple of months you will come to know whether it is in the Normal or Unlucky bucket.
Not, they are 'Unlucky', 'Unluckier' and 'Unluckiest'

austin_eda said:
TSC has three buckets - Lucky, Normal, Unlucky :p

Your case is not in the Lucky bucket. In a couple of months you will come to know whether it is in the Normal or Unlucky bucket.
Dear Hanz and lztx and ppl in same boat,

You are not alone in this issue. but ppl like u should also understand rights too

First 485 can be filed individualy in other mean doesn't matter who filled on ur behalf 485 is ur pettition, second this is your application and attorney acts only pettitioner sender /trouble shooter(I know what u said trouble maker :D ). you do have right to change ur attorney anytime you like.
need to file G-28 that tell INS that you have change ur representative.
we all know changing attorney at this point would be painful. and ofcourse will cost. if u go to another one

Here I am suggesting, many of you do hesitate to talk attorney directly.

Rule one: Don't call , visit him. pay him immidiately 50$ on spot this will make
him comfert.

Rule second never say 'please' say I like you to do this favor for me and I am
glad to pay you some extra work u do for me.and than. pull out your wallet
give some cash 50-100 works fine. tell him this way.... listen ...... I und that I already paid u fees but I am paying some extra to cover some of your exta cost hardworking.
Look into his eyes raise ur hand to give but hold it and ask
sound good for YOU? .Hold it untill he agree,,,,,,use only cash $$. thats the secrect :D :D :D .

I think you can take care of rest........ and will learn how to ask attorney
to do some work for u.

When you go to buy anything on store if price say 5.99 u understand it would be 6+ so attorney is same .......use hidden cost... that u pay....

never like to offend anyone but like to say this is the country where money works fine. buy it what u want to?

I am just hardworker iike u working hard and saving every single penny.... but this is the system work here...... if u spend today will earn tommorow.....

in many threads I aldready shared my friends story who has same issue about his attorney non-cooperative, ignoring, blah blah, and he was very upset with his attorney..... and was very angry...... he asked me to help I told him give me $250 I will spend all money in front of him for only himself/case and I will try what I can do .......long story short..... now days he is the person who is most welcome in attorney office by staff and attorney... never need to get appointment.... and he is very happy how the magic happen.....

Good LUck
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My attorney is a very nice one. Actually I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for one. Every time when I have some question, I send her a email, she usually replies to me very quickly. But for the case inquiry, she said she was not permittted to do this unless the announced processing date past my ND and she could only contact the aila liaison after 30 days from the inquiry. So I guess there won't be any luck to try your attorney at this point unless your ND is older than 3/4/02.
Talking about TSC, I'm really speechless. My 3rd AP was filed on 2/17/04, it was just approved yesterday with the help of the congressman's office. I had made 3 inquiries(only this is 3 months' waiting) while it was pending. For a long time, TSC just totally ignored my inquires. Finally one day I got a letter with a response as "this cas is still pending". That is the only thing. I just cannot believe this kind of sh**. Of course I know it is still pending, that's why I made the inquiry. So I wrote a letter to TSC director and said this kind of work is really useless and wasting time for both parties. I don't know what caused the long delay of my AP. It seems to me that once your I-485 is not in the lucky bucket, so are your other related cases.
Same boat.

I am also in same boat, Same story of 'pleasehelp1'. RD 04/02. FP 05/03. sent too many faxes from last 2 months nothing happening. No Denial expedite letter from INS. I asked my attorney to send the letter and I got following message.

Regarding the question about expedites, they are only available under the following circumstances:
1. To avoid severe financial loss to the company
2. Extreme emergency situation (e.g. natural disaster) necessitates expedite
3. Humanitarian reason for expedite (e.g. medical emergency)
4. Nonprofit status of the requesting organization and the request is in the social or cultural interest of the U.S.
5. Request from the Department of Defense or other U.S. government entity citing national interest and documenting that the delay will be detrimental to the U.S. Govt.
6. Request to correct Service error
7. Compelling interest of the Service
Unfortunately, we cannot submit a request for an expedite given that the situation cited below is that a fingerprint/background check will be expiring. The lawyers will submit expedite requests if there are grounds to do so.

Looks like we can't do any thing but WAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.

PD - 01/00
485 RD - 04/02
FP - 05/03
My RD is May 10, 2002. No FP yet, no nothing!!! I registered at the USCIS website and found out that my case has never been updated since July 2002. Any suggestion so it can be changed? Thanks a lot!

pleasehelp1 said:
Unbelivable...04/02, and still nothing....!!!!!!

Sometimes I think: why do they have to screw me the most...??? Why do I have to be the last one..? Last time I heard from INS was in 06/03 when I did my FP's. The online message still says 850-900 days...!!! No transfers, no RFE...I sent million faxes for expedited processing last month and still not a word from INS...

I am really frustrated and don't know what to do...!!!! I guess I'll wait until the official date overtakes my received date and complain to everybody: senators, congresman, president...!!!

Is there anyone in the same boat..?
pri_date12_01 said:
RD 12/7/2001
ND 12/7/2001

no further news!


Dear pri_date12_01,

Did you do finger prints??. If not your file should be in the lost bucket. I saw quite a few mentioned that their files are lost at TSC. You have to hurrey up . Do something . Call Senater. You should have been approved one year back. Do something back.

We shoud add another bucket which is "LOST BUCKET"
03/21/02 Still waiting

My Friend u are not the only one.
My case is straight forward, for last 8 years with same company, and still no luck. On top of that My AP was filed back on Decmber3, 2003, and still its not approved. Instead, they transferd it to local office about 2 months ago, but Now I don't need it, since they issue me an RFE regarding SR by officer 374.
but let's hope for the best

RD: 03/21/02
FP: 04/01/03
3 EAD, 3 AP (3rd one is still not approved filed on 03/12/03)
RFE received: 07/16/04 (same day i quit my job)
RFE received by TSC: 08/11/04
AD: Hoping i will get it soon but how soon, Allah knows:)
all the best
sargodhian said:
My Friend u are not the only one.
My case is straight forward, for last 8 years with same company, and still no luck. On top of that My AP was filed back on Decmber3, 2003, and still its not approved. Instead, they transferd it to local office about 2 months ago, but Now I don't need it, since they issue me an RFE regarding SR by officer 374.
but let's hope for the best

RD: 03/21/02
FP: 04/01/03
3 EAD, 3 AP (3rd one is still not approved filed on 03/12/03)
RFE received: 07/16/04 (same day i quit my job)
RFE received by TSC: 08/11/04
AD: Hoping i will get it soon but how soon, Allah knows:)
all the best

Did they issue you a 2nd finger prints???J. Are they going to approve with the expired ones??