@@@@@@unbelievable.. Got Platic Cards In 3 Weeks@@@@@


Registered Users (C)
Don\'t believe it ?? but it\'s true.. Yeah guys.. I\'ve finally got my wife\'s and mine plastic cards today..
DOE : Nov. 23rd 2001
CP at New Delhi

Thanks to everybody on this forum.. CP Rocks..
I Think..

DULLES, CHICAGO AND DETROIT are good POE for CP guys.. Hey best of luck to everybody else.. Have Fun and Take Care..
Hi TUTU congrats

Hi Tutu,

I have one question.

Is your alien number that same as the one which was stamped on your passport.

Today, I got a mail from the INS welcoming me to USA and stating that I will get my plastic card within 3 weeks time. But the number that they are referring to as mu important alien number is totally different than the one which I have on the stamped page of my passport.

I am confused with the same.

Please confirm whether we should get the green card with the number that is stamped on the passport.



I am from CSC and my POE was SFO. I got a letter today. It states that I will get my card within 3 weeks time.

The only issue which is bothering me is that the important alien number that they are referring in this letter is completely different from the one which was stamped for me on my passport during POE.

Please give some answers which will un-confuse me after gettting confused with the letter.


Check For A \'0\' In The Starting

The number that they stamp on the passport is 0f 8 digits and they append a 0 in front of it on the card.. So the no. of the passport is say A12345678 but on card it will be A# 012-345-678. So check it out again with a leading 0..
No Title

to the best of my knowledge no. in passport shoulds be same as on green card.

That is the way in my case
The numbers are different completely

In the letter that they have send me all the numbers are different from the one which they have stamped on my passport
ME TOOO!!!!!!

This is absolutely unbelievable! I entered the US on Nov 18th at Boston & received my plastic card from Texas Service Center on Dec 17th. The card was mailed on Dec 1!!!!!
No Title

I have the same thing. The leading \'0\' is not there in passport whereas it is there in card.
No Title

Very nice, congrats!

I understand that California is more laid back, with 4-6 months wait time. Can any of the more experienced waiters confirm this?
Help me- What should I do?

Dear Friends,

I just made a successful POE in last week of Nov. When we entered the officer, a oriental guy, at the POE made a mistake in assigning the correct A# number. I told him that the number that he should put is the A 9522 1065 number on the immigrant visa that I had got from the consulate. But he did not listen and he put the other number which was there on the immigrant visa document that I got from the consulate.

On my immigrant visa document that I got from the consulate there was a A 9522 1065 on the top and on the bottom of the document there was a number ----It starts with a roman letter number 4--> IV 7654 2345.

So, while stamping the passport, inspite of me telling him to stamp with the correct A 9522 1065, that officer stamped with the number as
A 7654 2345.

Yesterday, I got a intimation from the INS that I will be getting the card in 3 weeks time. But the number which they have mentioned as my A 9522 1065 is the number which is there on the immigrant visa document that I got from the consulate. And this is not the one which the arrogant officer put on my passport, which is A 7654 2345.

I will get my plastic card with the correct A 9522 1065. I hope the other details like the DOB are also correct.

Now, what should I do? The A# number on my plastic acard will be the correct one and the A# number which has been stamped on the passport is a different one.

Can I go to the INS office and restamp my passport with the correct A# number once I get my plastic card? Where should I go to rectify this mistake? Can I go to the airport where I did my POE to rectify this?

Please help me....this is driving me nuts.

