Unable to judge from IIOs answer- Called this morning


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I called up VSC this morning 9/18 and spoke with an IIO. I asked the status and she said it is pending. I asked Does it mean it is assigned to an officer. She said sometime probably. I said I spoke with an IIO two weeks back and heard that my case is assigned to an officer. For that she said we are not allowed to give that answer. You will hear a decision within 30 to 40 days and your case looks fine. Very depressing. Any idea what\'s going on?
EB2 RIR ND 11/21/00
Called IIO

I also called up VSC this morning 9/18 and spoke with an IIO. I asked the status and she said it is still pending. It was "Under review" status last month after being in "pending" in the first week of August, She said the final decision not made yet and told me to wait for another one month. Looks like the process is random and I have no clue why most of the Nov 00 cases approved and mine like a few others of OCT00 cases still not approved.
--Santhosh Menon
EB2 RIR ND 10/16/00
Hi Dam! Dont confuse others if you don\'t know !

Please don\'t start another round of rumours like this and create anxiety for so many people. This issue was closed long back after it was confirmed that I-140 approval for CP doesn\'t affect if you filed for AOS.

If you got your EAD and FP, then nothing to worry. Its quite natural that there is a slow down after a catastrophy. Please have some patience
I have the same problem

Couple of weeks back, when I called the IIO, she said the same thing, MY case is pending and they are waiting for my I-140 back from the Madras consulate. It will take 8-10 weeks. Just to let you know, VSC works based on the RD not on the ND, my RD is OCT and ND Dec and IIO did mentiion that during the conversation.

I am with you buddy, We will all get the approval like others, Its just the matter of time

Hope this help
I don\'t think DAM is wrong

Look at my other postings. There are lot of reasons for the case to be pending. Any kind of missing paper work from CIA, FBI, NVC etc.. will put the application in pending status, if it is the paper work from us missing this will generate RFE.

In some cases like mine, My I-140 got approved for CP and NVC don\'t have a copy of my I-140 approval, it is in Madras consulate. If it is with NVC you will see a 2-3 week delay. If it is in India then 8-10 weeks.

Hope this helps some body
Don\'t panic Mahatma

It happened my case. It was assigned for some time after that the staus is pending because of my I140 was approved for CP. There lots of threads regarding this. Go and read.
I am not wrong

You can go back and read the last few postings in that thread. This is an unncessary concern caused by people with half baked knowledge. Atleast 4 of my friends with I-140 approved for CP got the AOS approval without any problem.

When things are not moving you doubt everything. Its human nature.. I don\'t blame you for that. But there is no fact in that. Its only a delusion. You will realize it when you get yours approved soon.
My Case is fine and they have all documents

She said everything looks fine. We have your Finger print also.

I did not mentioned about you can not file for AOS. This type of case it will take time extra weeks. It should approve. Only matter is time.
I am not trying to give false info

I never said, it will get rejected. All I am saying is if I-140 gets approved for CP, it will get delayed by couple of months for approval. That\'s about it.
Keep checking your voice mesg...

If the case is assigned to officer you would hear in 3 weeks or so. My experience....
So do IIOs give out deliberately wrong info?

Actually I had the same experience. When I called to check up on my case, the IIO was helpful. She looked it up and mentioned that if I-140 is approved for CP it causes delays. Why would she say that if it was wrong? I\'m not trying to invent things or confuse anyone. I\'m just telling you what I was told.