Un believable !!! APPROVED !!!! on May 07 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahooooooooooooooooooo !!!


Registered Users (C)
Un believable !!! APPROVED !!!! on May 07 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahooooooooooooooooooo !!!
Just checked AVM and .....................
My , wife and daughter cases were approved on May 7 !!!
Rd 07/02/2001
Nd 08/21/2001
Fd 12/27/2001
Guys you are next !!!!
Good luck for all !!!!
Hearty congratulations

Thank you for sharing your experiences from quite a bit of time. Enjoy and my congrats to your family also.
congratulations sher.. and

it was just this afternoon when i saw your post and was thinking -"man! another post from sher.... when is he going to get his GC.." i voice another_wish\'s email - you will be missed!!!!!!

you are taking retirement from this board right!! - just kidding
It is very great board (no commercial at all) I love it !, Thanks a lot to authors ! I was here sinc
